Part of the worldwide genealogy/family history community
FamNet eNewsletter October 2015
ISSN 2253-4040
Quote: “To ensure a long and healthy life, choose your grandparents wisely”. Anon.
your story. 8.
Producing and Using Charts
Testing for Family History
Whangarei Family History Computer
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Sadly Gail has finished her series of articles
on DNA testing for Family History, although there may be further articles
triggered by a query or some new development.
This series has been very popular, with Gail and I getting excellent
feedback. As all our newsletters are on
line indefinitely you can look up any of her old articles. (On the FamNet web page
click the [Community]
button to see a list of newsletters.
You don’t need to log on). I’ve
put the complete index to her articles later in
this newsletter.
I love the increased
reader participation, with more contributors, and more people taking advantage
of “Letters to the Editor” and “Can you help”.
The more diversity of view the better this newsletter will be, so I’ll
always welcome contributions: anything that might be of interest to our readers
who are “People with an interest in family history with a
the developer: I realised that I should talk about family tree charts before I
talk about linking trees, so that’s the topic for this month.
Wanderer: Adele writes about a couple of Royal Hotels, and a prayer book that
has found its family.
Jottings. Interesting gadgets: a Scanner
Mouse and Intel’s Compute Stick. I want
a Scanner Mouse! See Jan’s demo
My Mother’s Family: Tricia Moir tells us of a visit to the
A Visit to
· DNA for Genealogy. There’s no new article, but I’ve given the complete index to Gail’s articles so far.
· In the community section, Judy is seeking information about John Irving Beattie, Neil is looking for his half brothers (Glendinning), and Dorothy would like help with a photograph. Can you help.
I had
planned to cover “Linking and Merging Trees”, but it occurred to me that I
should cover family tree charts first.
I’ll cover how you link trees later, probably next issue. I’ve also written about our trip to
So far I’ve covered these topics. 1. Writing your story as notes, or with Word. Embedding links in Word documents. 2. Embedding pictures in Word documents. 3. Saving Documents for Web Publication. 5. Sharing your Story: Managing your Family Group |
In FamNet you’ll normally use either the Page
View or the Tree
View to look at information on a person.
The Tree View is great for navigating around your immediate family, but insufficient if you want to see your cousins or wider relationships. For this you need a family tree chart. The most common types of charts are Ancestors, Descendents, and Hourglass which is a combination of the two. FamNet can produce all of these. To use this you need to have a subscription, and you need to be able to download and run a Windows program. Some networks will prevent this, and some Apple computers lack the compatibility options needed to run Windows programs, but most users (including Apple users) should be able to use the Chart program. Your browser may need the “Microsoft .NET” add on installed. To produce a chart, open a record in Page View and click the [Chart] button. Click this and you’ll be offered options to select the type of chart (default is Hourglass), and to limit the number of generations of ancestor or descendents (default is “no limits”). Click [Get Chart Data] and the program downloads data and displays the chart. Here is the top left corner of my hourglass chart. Which presents a dilemma: at normal size the chart won’t fit even on a large screen. To solve this problem there is a scale control so that the chart can be displayed at less than 100%, but below 50% the names are becoming unreadable and I need to go down to 20% to see my whole hourglass chart. Click the thumbnails below to see these examples. Printing may be the only answer as charts can be quite large. Even at 50% scale a descendents chart from my Great Grandfather John OLD(1821-1896), which contains over 2700 names, requires 141 A4 pages. 100% requires four times that! |
When a chart is viewed on line each cell is a “hotspot”. Click it and the corresponding FamNet page is opened. Right-click it and a menu offers options including “NewChart” which will redraw the chart based on the person that you’ve just clicked, For example, you could produce a series of charts to identify your cousins by starting with your ancestry, then producing descent charts for each of your grandparents. I’d love to program FamNet to produce “M charts” that list all the descendents of a subject’s grandparents (or higher generations), but I couldn’t figure out how to represent this in 2 dimensions. |
You can produce charts from other people’s records. The normal privacy rules enforced by FamNet will apply: for example, if you produce a descendents chart starting with my father you’ll see both my brother (who has died) and me (I’ve set my record public), but unless you are in my family group you’ll only see “Private Partner” and my children will be listed as “Female”, with none of their spouses or children (my grandchildren) even shown. If you are in my family group then you’ll see them as I do. |
If you want to share a chart by email then you can print it to a PDF file, and email this. |
We invite
contributions from FamNet members for this section: please contact The
Editor if you have any material. Contributions received after the
22nd of each month may be carried forward.
There are two Royal Hotel’s in of
Arms, although no permission had been granted from the Home Country to display
Featherston, in the lovely Wairarapa, is the other hotel with the Coat of Arms. When I was asked to research the history of this establishment, I sought the assistance of Pat Flynn who lives in Featherston: during the renovation of the old building we were permitted to view the interior of the hotel. Featherston Royal Hotel has just been sold, as its been lying empty for a few years.
When I enquired through Parliament about the permission on displaying the Coat of Alms on each Royal establishment, I was advised that no permission had been sought to have the Coat of Arms. But isn’t it nice to have them!
In 1869
A few years back I posted a message on Rootsweb,
looking for some family who might be interested in a prayer book that I’d been
given. The prayer book had been sent to me by a lady
in Taita,
Sophey Yates
With best loved birthday wishes
May 12th 1869.
I couldn't put it in a museum, for some reason I held back although we now have several good museums around Wairarapa, but no, I kept it on the computer desk with me. Perhaps it’s the Irish blood in me, something will come up for this book? And most importantly, Yates wasn’t a Carterton Family.
Now all I can say is OMG! It’s been claimed!
One of Sophey’s Gt. Granddaughters, from New
Plymouth, will have it when she gets ordained next month in
Arrangements are being made to collect it from me at Clareville. Its old and fragile and I am going to miss it, but great that its being reunited with family! To me it’s been found at the right time when a family member could carry it with her at her ordination.
I spent most of the day on the computer and telephone, and so with the permission of the kind lady who first sent it to me (who I’ve never met, but I’ve helped her over the years on email with her family in Greytown cemetery, doing photographs etc.), it’s going back to family just in the nick of time!
The lady who contacted me is a member of NZSG and so
I asked her to please write up this story of the family in a future NZSG
magazine when she has time. (Or for a
FamNet newsletter – Ed). It has to be told. Sophey was born in
Carterton Early Settlers Researcher.
Peter’s computer has died and he’s waiting for a new
mother-board to be sent from the
years ago, whilst browsing through the Brookstone Store in
No one we talked to in the Family History Library had seen this mouse. And this is still the same today. I looked at the websites for stores like WalMart and Smiths and Staples and Office Depot and yes, they were on the web sites, but walk into the store - and they have never heard about them!! Not sure why, because everyone I have demonstrated too, just say “I want one”!!! So here is your chance to see a demo and see if you would like one too.
It’s just great for quick jobs like the instructions that come with a new purchase, a paragraph in a book that is interesting, an article in a newspaper or magazine etc. The OCR is amazing. Not a single error in anything that I have scanned. You can save in all the popular formats.
Cost? My first one cost $US89 and then Brookstone (US store – it’s at many airports) dropped their price to $20. Ebay etc have them around $US25. PB Technologies in Penrose Auckland have stock from time to time.
Also in the demo I use Irfanview, Clip Mate and TreePad. Irfanview is a graphics program with many features including: it saves to a non lossey .jpg file. So if you have downloaded a .jpg file, you can save this in Irfanview and know the image won’t lose resolution as you use it. ClipMate saves everything you highlight and copy. Really useful if you are creating a document etc and moving images or text around. TreePad is a wonderful Personal Information Manager, Organiser, Database etc.
Check out the demo and ask me if you have questions or would like more info.
Email for further information.
Here is something else new.
I am always watching out for new devices that will make travelling with your computer just a little easier. I have found something that is lighter, easier to pack, cheaper, and will let you have all your favourite programs with you!! You can use it at home also. Intel Compute Stick!! It is just 10cm long, just under 4cm wide and just over 1 cm high. Smaller than a small cell phone.
You will also need to pack a USB hub and a keyboard. I have found a spider hub which gives you 4 ports to use and a lovely light, small wireless keyboard with a large mouse pad. I also purchased a 64GB memory card for storage. It will take a 128GB card. You would be wise to pack two external drives for your data, images, scans etc. Two in case one fails (you need these if you were taking a notebook too).
Once you have arrived at your destination, you need to locate a monitor or TV with a HDMI plug. Plug in your stick and way you go!! Most hotel TVs have an HDMI port. In a Library or Archive office you would sit at one of their computers and plug your stick in the HDMI port. Now you have a full computer, with all your programs loaded and ready to go.
Certainly great for at-home use if space is a problem. Certainly great if you use a large TV monitor. Very light and I don’t think you would need to present it when going through security at the airport - so that’s a plus!.
Cost? The Stick would be around $300. I saw the keyboard - Logitech K400plus - for around $60. Spider Hub around $25. and search for Compute Stick.
Wayne Laurence has sent this in. If you get an email like this just ignore it, don’t reply. It’s a scam: -
Accept & Acknowledge my Proposal! I am a member of the Heir Hunters Company
in the
link is to a BBC report about the scam.
(It’s safe to click).
(If you
liked this story we’d welcome a similar contribution from you. Ed)
From Tricia Moir
The Yeo family history has been
traced back 22 generations and finally to the Plantagenets – King Edward
I. This has all been documented by a
distant relative in
At the time of their marriage John Paul Bilski was in residence at Heathfield Farm, Kingsteignton, and Bessie Yeo was at Gappah, Kingsteignton. The marriage witnesses were Frank Yeo, Bessie’s brother and Doris Friend. (Click the image at the right to see a larger version).
Paul was in the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces stationed at
According to Bessie Yeo’s birth
certificate she was born on 12 February 1896 at Teifer Terrace, Christow, in
My grandfather John Paul Bilski was born on the West Coast of the South Island in New Zealand in October 1876. His Polish parents immigrated from Prussia in January 1876 on the ship Shakespeare with John Paul’s 3 siblings, who were all named on the ship’s manifest. John Paul was named Johann, which is the Polish word for John and I am not sure where the Paul came from. He died on a trolley bus coming from the city in New Plymouth to his home on 05 February 1960. Bessie died on 18 October 1975.
My mother Mary Bilski Nansett was
born at Gappah, Kingsteington, Newton Abbot,
Also whilst in
The names of our ancestors can be spelt differently. My grandfather John Paul Bilski’s parents were named Bielski and on his birth certificate his name was spelt Byelski and his birth date was 23 October 1876 and not November 1875 as was thought. On his marriage certificate he has put that he was 36 years of age which meant that he was born in 1882, but I think that was because he was about 20 years older than my grandmother. (He changed the spelling of his name to Bilski as did some but not all of his siblings. I also found that the name of Yeo was miss-spelt as Geo on some heritage sites.
I find that this is all very interesting and makes me want to do more research into all my ancestry.
I would urge people doing their ancestry to talk with their elders and start as soon as you can if you are interested in it. Get all the old photographs you can and talk about them. Scan them into your computer or take copies of them.
(And start putting them into FamNet, so that there’s an easy way of keeping track of them, and sharing them with your family – Ed)
Last month Mary and I spent a week visiting
Our first day focussed on the Te Papa “Gallipoli, the Scale
of our War” exhibition. This has to be
the best exhibition that I’ve ever seen!
I have seen most, if not all, of the films about the period that have
been on TV over the last few years, including all those broadcast over the
Gallipoli centenary period, and I’ve read a lot about World War, so I’m
reasonably well informed, but while I understood it all intellectually it
wasn’t until we visited this exhibition that I understood emotionally how truly
ghastly it all was. At times both Mary
and I were in tears. For Mary the most
emotional moment was in the re-creation of
Day 2 we visited “The Great War” exhibition at the old
This is a complete list of the articles written by Gail over the last year or so.
© Gail Riddell 2014
Just click the link to go back to a previous article in
this series.
1. What is Molecular Genealogy?
4. What DNA will NOT tell you and the risks involved.
5. Direct paternal line (men only).
6. Direct maternal line (men and women).
7. All the lineages including maternal and paternal (men and women).
8. Understanding direct paternal results.
9. Understanding direct maternal line results.
10. Understanding your Autosomal ("cousin") results.
11. Understanding the X Chromosome.
Bits ‘n
Bobs: DNA Testing Companies, Glossary.
Websites, Blogs, and Forums
Asked Questions – Some Basic, Some Advanced
Something a little different…
Pat: (09) 437 0692
Thursday evening venue is
email, if you need directions.
Saturday meetings are held
in the SeniorNet rooms in
The rooms are upstairs in the
Email: Phone (04) 904 3276, (
Venue: Meets every 4th Thursday morning at the Waikanae Chartered
Hanley has been away, so I have no report from Waikanae for this month. I can report that the FamNet workshop was well attended, and there was lots of interest and plenty of questions from those present. The workshop went for at least a couple of hours (with a break fortunately), which meant that it was a huge amount of information for people to absorb, perhaps too much, but unfortunately there’s little alternative when I have to travel so far. Even then I didn’t cover all the facilities of FamNet. The most important take-away is that there’s a Help link on every page (look at the bottom, or else click [Show Navigator Bar]
Remember that
you can post photos for identification, and information wanted requests:-
Click here to
request help with some information
We’ll post
the photos and information requests in the next newsletter, and they’ll remain
on display for at least a year.
If you can
help either Judy, Neil, or Dorothy with their information requests please email
them, cc
I have
already suggested that Judy try Papers Past, and that Neil try the on line
telephone directory, and also search FamNet for Glendinning and approach the
database owners with this name in their records.
Good afternoon FamNet
I hope someone out there can help me.
I am seeking information on John Irving Beattie born 7
August 1889 in Lancs.
John Beattie migrated to
He returned to
In 1930 he went to
Sometime between 1930 and 1937 he arrived in
On 6 November 1937 he wrote to OIC Australian Army advising
them of the loss of his AIF discharge papers. His address then was
In 1946 he is listed on NZ Electoral Rolls as living at Tokoroa Waikato.
In 1954 he is listed as living at
In 1963 he is living at Masonic Village Queenstown Road SE5.
He remained at the
He died at
He was not married and left no children.
Any information, especially any references in newspapers that might shed light on his life would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks
Judy Boland
Hi everyone at FamNet,
The preface of this issue has really hit
home. I have three half brothers in
they are Eric Keane Glendinning (
bunnythorpe Palmerston North area) David Glendinning (Levin) and Cyril Bruce Glendinning (Wanganui) Any
advice would be much appreciated
Greetings from oz Neil
A Million Years in a Day |
by Greg Jenner published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2015, ISBN978-0-297-86978-8
(Available through Whitcoulls) Review by Peter
Nash This book takes the actions
a person does every day, for example toilet, eating, washing, dressing and
brushing teeth etc, and goes into the history of that action from almost
prehistory up until the recent past. For example: the chapter on
"Rise and Shine" gives the history of measuring time and clocks.
The chapter on "Answering the call of nature" gives the history of
toilets and sewerage disposal. The chapter on "Jumping in
the shower" gives the history of personal hygiene. Each chapter and the
history of that action in that chapter add up to give a history of domestic
living throughout the ages. The author does explode a few myths and legends
about how our ancestors lived. An interesting read which can help add colour to your family history. |
The Girl who Stole Stockings |
Described by the author, Elsbeth Hardie:
- I have a new book coming out in mid October that will be
of interest to your circulation list. The
attached gives you some preliminary information on the book which will be
available in bookshops throughout 'The Girl Who Stole Stockings' is the true account
of Susannah Noon and the other one hundred women who were sent from Susannah later came on to The 340-page book includes 55 pages of references and
over 30 colour illustrations and is the result of over seven years’ research. Further
information about this book is available here and at this website. Elsbeth Hardie Tel 09 522 1816 Mob 021 900742 |
As of January 2014 if your organisation is not a group
subscriber then there will be a charge for advertising events and services,
which must be paid for before publication. Charges start at $NZ25 for a basic
flier, and increase for more elaborate presentations. FamNet is a charitable
organisation and like everyone else we need funds to help keep FamNet going.
Fees are very minimal. If your organisation paid a yearly subscription you can
have all the advertising you want all year round in the Group News section.
Your group could be anywhere in the world, not just in
If you have problems with this page you can email us directly but hopefully the page is self-explanatory.
Feel free to
redistribute this newsletter. If you publish a newsletter yourself you may
include material from this newsletter in yours provided that you acknowledge
its source and include the FamNet URL,