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FamNet eNewsletter February 2020

  ISSN 2253-4040

Quote: Suddenly, all of my ancestors are behind me. "Be still" they say. Watch and listen, you are the result of the love of thousands - unknown


Editorial 1

Do you want to receive this newsletter every month?. 1

Regular Contributors. 1

From the Developer 1

Sorry folk, nothing from me this month. 1

The Nash Rambler 1

Religion. 1

DNA Testing for Family History. 1

Mapping your ancestry – by SNP and by UK county. 1

Wairarapa Wandering. 1

The Bishop Family. 1

Digging Into Historical Records. 1

Who was Lottie Wilmott of Lower Hutt?. 1

How a Columnist arrives at a subject for her column. 1

Chinese Corner 1

The Chinese in New Zealand. 1

Anne Sherman. 1

The GRO Searchable Database and PDF ordering. 1

Guest Contributors. 1

An Invitation to Contribute: 1

From our Libraries and Museums. 1

Auckland Libraries. 1

HeritageTalks  - Waha pū-taonga. 1

Group News. 1

Whangarei Family History Computer Group. 1

Heaven and Hell Together 1

Waikanae Family History Group. 1

Waitara Districts History & Families Research Group. 1

News and Views. 1

Various Articles Worth Reading. 1

How copyright works: What family historians need to know.. 1

Forming consent 1

Can You Find Your Ancestors in These Old English Criminal Records?. 1

The Complete Guide to Choosing: Ancestry vs Find My Past 1

17 best free online Scottish resources. 1

Retrieval of Irish archive lost in 1922 fire ‘astounding’, historian says. 1

When a Genealogy Hobby Digs Up Unwanted Secrets. 1

Before we buy that kit…... 1

RootsWeb Mailing Lists to be Discontinued. 1

Join 1

Book Reviews. 1

Battle on 42nd Street 1

In conclusion. 1

Help wanted. 1

Letters to the Editor 1

Hutt Valley High School 1

Topp Family Reunion. 1

DNA Discovery Tour 2020. 1

Advertising with FamNet 1

A Bit of Light Relief 1

To Unsubscribe, Change your Email Address, or Manage your Personal Information. 1


Back to the Top. 17


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Greetings and welcome to another issue of the FamNet newsletter.

Another decade has flown past. There have been many major improvements in research methods and resources availability. Just think how far, and websites like that have developed over the last ten years. I have moaned a lot about the demise of old-time research methods but do not complain about these websites because they make life so easy. Think how NZ research has become over the last ten years with the BDM website, PapersPast, Family Search and Archway. Think how Irish research has become "so easy". I can continue on and on. Think how far Family Search has developed - if only I could become a recognised LDS research centre I would not have to leave my computer room. Long may this development continue.

But there have been consequences that I do not like, for example, the slow demise of Genealogical societies and conferences, the growing lack of social intercourse between researchers, and the side effects of such research methods as DNA testing. These have led to isolated researchers and many published research results that are plainly wrong. I still haven't forgiven that idiot from Australia who grabbed my Coutts ancestors and had them all buried in Australia. I was deleted from existence immediately because my grandfather could and apparently did not meet, or mate with my grandmother.

Another consequence has been the death of the Rootsweb Mailing Lists. There is an article in the News and Views section about that. I have been a long term member of a number of these lists and have had a lot of help over the years by their "resident experts". Maybe a future Ramblings column will rue this death.

The topic, or discussion point, for 2020 appears to be the ethics of genealogical research. I must say that it is about time that this has happened. I have programmed a visit to the Family Tree Live event in London in April and have booked a number of lectures on that topic. There are a number of articles in the News and Views section on that topic. Maybe my detractors may observe an improvement from me in that area.

Anyway, I present another month's offering for your perusal. I spend too much time preparing this because I read everything and wander off on tangents doing my research as a result. I get stimulated by our correspondents.

I'm off for a coffee.

Peter Nash

Do you want to receive this newsletter every month?

This newsletter is free. There are not many free newsletters of this length in New Zealand. I am biased but it should be an interesting read.

To subscribe is easy too. Go onto the FAMNET website - don't misspell it as I have, twice already.

The front page is lovely, but click on [Newsletters].  A page opens showing you a list of all the past newsletters, you can click the link to read one that you’re interested in.

Like the front page, the newsletters page has a place where you can log on or register.   It’s in the top right-hand corner.  Put your email here and click [Continue].   If you aren’t already on our mailing list, there will be a message “Email not in database” and a button [New User] appears.  Click this and follow the dialog to register.  It’s free and easy.  You should receive a copy every month until you unsubscribe.

Robert has assured me that he will not send begging letters to your email - apparently, he has enough money at the moment. You will not have to put in your credit card number. You will not be charged a subscription.

Tell other genealogists so they can enjoy the newsletters too.


Peter Nash

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Regular Contributors

From the Developer

Sorry folk, nothing from me this month

Except that the index below has been updated.

Telling your story: Index

1.    Writing your story as notes, or with Word.  

2.    Embedding pictures in Word documents

3.    Saving Documents for Web Publication.

4.    Saving Scrapbook Items

5.    Sharing your Story: Managing your Family Group

6.    On Line Editing: More Facts, Family, GDB Links

7.    Comparing and Synchronising Records

8.    Producing and Using Charts

9.    Merging Trees.  Part 1:  Why Bother?

10.  Merging Trees.  Part 2:  Adding Records On-Line

11.  Merging Trees.  Part3.  Combining Existing Trees

12.  Finding Your Way Around FamNet (Getting Help)  

13.  FamNet – a Resource for your Grandchildren

14.  FamNet’s General Resource Databases
15.  Updating General Resource Databases

16.  Privacy

17.  Indexes: beyond Excel.

18.  Linking trees

19.  Uploading a GEDCOM file

20.  Uploading Objects to your Database

21.  Bulk-uploading Objects.  FamNet resource: Useful Databases
22.  Publishing Living Family on Family Web Sites 

23.  Have YOU written your family story yet? 

24.  Editing and Re-arranging your Family Tree On-line.

25.  It’s the Stories that Matter

Robert Barnes

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The Nash Rambler


Over the last five and a half years I have created a lot of ramblings. I have covered many developments in research sources, websites, and the general trends I have detected. By now you must have become well acquainted with my research names and brick walls. I have moaned a lot. I have criticised a lot. I have praised a lot. I have created a few humorous columns. I have been appreciated a lot and "corrected" a lot. I am proud of my "body of creative works".

But I have come to the realisation that I have recently experienced something unique in my research "career" and, like an alcoholic, I need to talk about it and share with you, unfortunate readers, my great transformation. Let me explain.

With all research, when you hit the inevitable brick wall you develop a theory, and then you research and research until you prove or disprove it. Disprove it makes you develop another theory until that is proved or disproved etc etc. Eventually you develop the "correct" theory which cannot be disproved or can be proved.

My brick wall involves the origins of my great grandmother, Julia MURRAY. Every document I have found suggests very strongly that she was born in Sydney in 1854 and none give the names of her parents. The problem becomes more difficult if you believe that she did not lie. Research into Sydney records proves this to be not possible, i.e. she lied.

A random search on PapersPast comes up with a very interesting murder case in Onehunga in 1864 in which Frederick MURRAY kills his wife, Julia.  Being an unusual name, Julia Murray, leads me to much excitement. The bare facts are that there were five children, three girls and two boys and only two were born in New Zealand, Francis and Mary Ann who had a father, Francis.  By a process of elimination, the other three children were born outside of New Zealand, probably Australia. An electoral roll for the time has a Francis MURRAY living in Green St, Onehunga where Frederick MURRAY and his victim, Julia, was supposed to reside. So my next problem is the Frederick/Francis switch and a further complication is that the father of Mary Ann, in her wedding documents, is John MURRAY. My theory is that this family is my target great great grand parents with daughter, Julia, being born in Australia as Julia, or another name which she changed to Julia, in honour of her mother. And to add further credence I need John MURRAY to be a relative of Frederick/Francis and that he raised the children after Frederick/Francis spent some considerable time in the care of a government facility ie a prison.

I have spent many years on the research of this family trying to connect one of the daughters to my great grandmother Julia.  Last year a cousin did her DNA and found a very close connection to a person derived from the family of the daughter, Mary Ann. My theory looks good. A very good friend, who has become a better friend, found the voyages from Tasmania to Sydney and from Sydney to Auckland, in 1859, of six passengers, named as Francis MURRAY, his wife Julia, three children (a boy and two girls) and a JOHN MURRAY. Golly gosh!!! My theory is looking very likely. Connect all these up and I have a murderer and a victim in my family tree. There are a lot of other minor details of my Julia and her family that add to this theory being highly likely. My theory is "a collection of happy coincidences" or is in fact correct.

I should have stopped there and accepted that as a very exciting fact worth many public pronouncements on "my" great research prowess. But, like a fool, I didn't!!! I had to prove that those are my ancestors. This is the start of my downward spiral into religion!!!

If Francis came from Tasmania, and considering some of Francis/Frederick's utterances at his trial, the logical next step was maybe he was a convict. It was very easy to come up with a possibility, being from London. From Borough, in fact, which is my favourite part of London and I have spent many a happy hour there. He was a catholic as was my Frederick/Francis. Aha!! I'll take him!! He's mine! At last I have the very desirable ancestor who was a convict as well as a murderer and combine this with a murder victim I am entering the realms of a very desirable limb of my family tree. This is better than having royalty in a family tree especially if you are an anti-royalist like me.

Now the easy bit: find a marriage for Francis MURRAY, the convict, in Tasmania, to a lady called Julia, and the subsequent birth of three children - John, and two girls (one Julia) and I have cracked it. This can't be too hard!!!!

Nah!!! Nothing possible yet after surfing Tasmanian records for many, many hours. In fact, looking into Australian records in general, I have been unable to find the marriage and three births.

But this theory is too good to give up. I haven't disproved it (or even proved it yet).  I must keep this treasured theory alive. The only possible explanation that I can think of could be an immaculate conception and to make it really stick, three of them. I don't think that it is compulsory to register the result of an immaculate conception, particularly in the 1850s. And a marriage is not obligatory for the process of an immaculate conception as a few of my old acquaintances in my youth have found out. The more hours I spend on Tasmanian research the more I'm leaning towards "immaculate conception".

In rearing me, my parents valiantly tried to instil in my little brain the beliefs and values of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately for them, when I left school, I left that indoctrination process and subsequently have only darkened the Catholic Church doors for weddings and funerals I could not avoid. Incidentally, my wife has decided that she will pay me back for her long "mistreatment" by me, as her loving husband, by giving my funeral service as a full Catholic ceremony with Latin and a choir to sing many catholic hymns. This has caused much hilarity in my extended family and much muttering and mumbling by me.

Because I need to believe in an immaculate conception, I have become much more amenable to that faith. Maybe I'll attend a service or two. Maybe I'll attend my own funeral. No that is going too far!

Now the followers of the Catholic faith believe in Immaculate Conception. Therefore, according to my logic, I am back in that fold.

Now I have to blame Genealogy for my religious revival. So everybody please beware. Genealogy can cause serious "god bothering" Tread very carefully.


Peter Nash

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DNA Testing for Family History

From the editor: Gail has written quite a series on DNA Testing. You will see them all on the FAMNET website and they are a must-read, particularly if you are considering or have had a test done. They are easy to read and not too technical.  Click Index so far to see these articles.   (From Robert: I have been remiss in keeping this index up to date.  Check it again – it is now complete to February 2020, unless I’ve missed one accidentally)

Mapping your ancestry – by SNP and by UK county

Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) is my firm of choice because it offers all the DNA tests for genealogical research as well as all the tools for comparisons whether high level or very detailed.  Nor do you need a subscription – you buy the test and automatically you are a member.

There are other reasons it is my firm of choice but mainly one being nothing is sent out to any external laboratory.  The Lab is huge and is inside the FTDNA building which is also owned by FTDNA.  A particularly valuable resource used by FTDNA is that being its genetic community – all of whom are genetic genealogical researchers who voluntarily run the projects offered free of charge to FTDNA testers.

Not every possible surname or geographical area is covered, but the last time I looked, there were just under 10,700 projects being offered.  I am one of those who looks after projects.  And this is where my offering for the February Famnet Newsletter starts.

This morning I received a request from an English gentleman who produces a particular surname’s periodical.  Because I administer the project for the particular surname, his request was that I write an article for him to publish.  My reaction was to turn him down as the reminder for a Famnet article also arrived this morning!  However, after yet another cuppa, I decided that I could ignore my very cluttered desk (of other work awaiting me) and offer him a little something. 

So I went to the project itself to see what I could see.  The YDNA testers were a very mixed bunch – some testing at a very basic YDNA level and others going for the wonderful Big Y 700.  Even the testers’ stated ancestors were from all over the US, South East Canada and throughout the UK.  I concluded a map was called for – a UK map.

This map is with acknowledgement to Rob Spencer – the blue areas are those where the surname being considered is most prolific.  They were taken from the 1881 census and the boundaries of the counties are taken from tables of latitude and longitude.

From here, I went to the Internet and found a map of US for the same Surname also in 1880.  This map has come from Mapbox, but I don’t know what criteria was used compiling it.

For those who are in the UK, can a DNA test help to identify from which area their ancestors might have come? 

The answer is both yes and no, so we interpret that as a ‘maybe’. 

If an autosomal test was taken, the ethnicity results will be a mix of both parents and their ancestors.  To separate the ethnicity for our mothers or for our fathers, it is necessary to have your siblings also take the same test plus your cousins from both sides.  From all these results, we can then draw up a very good approximation of who came from where.

However, this will not help if our ancestors moved frequently. 

In the US, there were very few people with this particular surname with which I am working around the 1800 era.  1840 saw the Eastern Seaboard filling up, but by 1880, the families had spread all the way out to California.  Therefore, at what point, could we reasonably say our ancestor was from the Ireland?  Even more importantly, could we ever say our ancestor was from say, County Cork?

Yes, we could if we have the genealogical records to back it up, but this section is whether DNA could tell us.

To answer this, I have returned to Rob Spencer’s SNP map and I have chosen a male tester who states his Ancestor is from Tipperary.  His SNP is shown as BY116564. 

For those of you who do not know, a SNP is an abbreviation of ‘Single Nucleotide Polymorphism’ and it is pronounced ‘SNiP’.  It is only when a person takes a Next Generation Sequencing test for genealogical purposes (NGS), that these SNPs become invaluable for population genetics.

Here is the path of this particular SNP BY116564 shown on the map below.

I think we can conclude that the tester concerned has correctly stated his male patrilineal ancestor’s origin.

It is somewhat more difficult with female tests.  First of all, the names keep changing – usually at least once in every generation.  Coupled with that difficulty is that the mitochondria seldom alters – maybe once or twice in every 500 years.  To check this out, my direct matrilineal line (my great great grandmother was apparently born in Dublin, but in spite of hunting for many years including searching the Dublin archives, I have never found proof), so can DNA help with this?

I took a mtDNA Full Sequence test with the result being H3as.  Using Rob Spencer’s SNP tracker, the right-hand map shows the following.

As you can plainly see, northern Germany is hardly Ireland, so I can only conclude that sometime in the 300 years before my great great grandmother was born, her female ancestor(s) chose to go to the UK.  At least I now know a little more than I did when I started on this article. 

As always, you can write to me. 

I am Gail Riddell

Wairarapa Wandering

The Bishop Family

A friend went into the Wellington Linz office for me some years back, and returned with details of a map with property owners listed. One name stuck in my memory, Stephen BISHOP.

On checking out that name, I have concluded that it must be a son because the Stephen BISHOP I have researched didn’t actually live at Clareville. He sadly died in the early 1900s near Hunterville, but left a big family for his widow to care for.  I found his grave there, but wonder where his widow, Harriett BISHOP, is buried as this grave looks like a single grave

One of his sons, Clifford Lyle BISHOP, became mayor of Eastbourne, I have his autobiography and it's well worth reading. He was born in Christchurch and the family then moved to near Hunterville. He was schooled first at Clareville School, then Carterton High School, but left early to go to work to help his mother with finances..

Clifford first entered council in January 1st 1928, as acting town clerk-manager. He was mayor of Eastbourne, 1950-1980. In 1965 he received the OBE. Also in 1953 he received the Queen's Coronation Medal and the Queen Elizabeth 11 Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977. 

He married in 1925 Violet Fly and they had 4 children. Clifford Lyle BISHOP died on 8th July 1993 in Lower Hutt.

Listed with him for the Coronation Medal is Andrew MENKEN one of the MENKEN family. One of the BISHOP family married into another local family from Clareville, the Menken family, originally from Germany. I have a lot on that family as well.

Over the years, I have been in touch with several BISHOP descendants, one in Melbourne and one, Barbara Boyd, north of Auckland. Barbara very kindly sorted some historic pieces of linen made by a member of the family for her wedding and sent them down to me for the local Carterton Historical Society.

I am no longer with the local Historical Society; I prefer to work on my own!

Adele Pentony-Graham

12 Neich’s Lane

Clareville 5713

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Digging Into Historical Records  

 Who was Lottie Wilmott of Lower Hutt?

The Letter book of the Lower Hutt Town Board (1882-1889) can be viewed online via the Hutt City Archives website. The writing is a pleasure to read and unsurprisingly covers a wide variety of topics and people.

Lottie Wilmott’s name featured in a letter to the Colonial Treasurer dated 08 October 1884. “Sir, I have the honour in accordance with instructions received from the Hutt Town Board to apply to you for a refund of charitable aid disbursed by this Board during the half year ending 30th September 1884. The following is a list of the recipients together with the amount paid to each: Elizabeth Tannahill (£6); Daniel Galvin (£9); George Wilson (£14 4s); Charles Maidment (£1); Lottie Wilmott (£5) and William Swafford (£2).” [1] On checking these names against the Hutt Roll there was only one missing – Lottie. [2] Until now there was no record of the surname in the Hutt Valley at all. Who was she?

Madame Lotti Wilmott, well-known in most parts of the colony as a lecturess, died on 08 May 1884 at Lower Hutt after lying ill in that township for some time past. [3] “Passed away, the spirit of Lottie Wilmott. Deeply regretted.” Lottie was described as a remarkable woman in her way, who, if she made mistakes in her time, on the other hand, fearlessly exposed, and held up to reprobation, the shady side of human nature. During her long and painful illness, she was “sedulously attended to during her latter days by the Presbyterian minister and his wife, and was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery.” [4] Her death was registered under the name Charlotte Wilmot aged 37 years. [5]

The following month Mr Samuel Coombes, clothier, of Queen Street, Auckland and a Freethought believer, challenged the statement in the New Zealand Wesleyan that the Freethinkers “left Lottie Wilmot in her distress to her own devices, and rendered no aid.” He stated that he “made himself liable for a bill for medical attendance while she was in Auckland, paid her passage south, and forwarded to her subsequently sums of money at intervals, amounting to over £6. In all he considers his benevolence to Lottie cost him some £20.” [6]

Rev Samuel Joseph Garlick, who was responsible for the statement in the Wesleyan, replied that it referred to “the response to the public appeal which was made on her behalf during her long illness at the Hutt. Re the result of that appeal, let Madame herself speak. Her last advice to her daughter was – “Have nothing to do with Freethinkers. You see how they have treated me in the hour of need, and their friendship can do you no good when I am gone.” [7]

Alfred Theodore Jardine, member of the Wellington Freethought Association, replied that Lottie was not a member. [8] Further that after visiting Lower Hutt to investigate “he saw one of the hotelkeepers, who informed him that he did not wish the lady to leave his house, but she persisted in keeping a dog in the house, and left in consequence.” Lottie had also received everything she needed from the Presbyterian minister, David Rodger, who was present when she died. [9] In early July the Evening Post stated that “in our opinion, it is now time the unfortunate woman was left peacefully in her grave without being made the subject of any further newspaper controversy. [10]

So who was this remarkable woman? Lottie used the surname Wilmot or variations thereof throughout her stage career (1862-1883). In 2013 Bronwyn Dalley stated in her article “Show-girl: The Staging of Lotti Wilmot” that she had not found Lotti’s birth certificate or any record of a marriage certificate. Bronwyn had found the 1866 birth certificate of Lottie’s daughter, Ada. James Wilmot was the father and Lottie’s maiden name was Wootton. Bronwyn also found Lottie recorded as an actress and widow in the 1871 census living at Wilton Street, Westminster with her daughter and widowed mother, 48 year old Mary Ann Willmott. Both Lottie and her mother were born at Marylebone, Middlesex. Lottie’s death certificate recorded Frank Wilmot as her husband and Mary Wolton as her mother. [11] This information was enough to lead to a possible scenario.

Lottie’s birth name may have been Charlotte Ellen Wootton, daughter of John, a chemist, and Mary Ann Wootton of 50 High Street, Park Terrace. She was baptised on the same day as her two year old brother, John Edward Wootton, on 21 June 1840 at St. Marylebone, Westminster. Charlotte Ellen was one week old. [12] There is a birth registration for a “female” Wootton in the Marylebone district in the June quarter of 1840. [13]

On 10 Jan 1837 John Wootton married Mary Ann Physick by License at St. Marylebone, Westminster. Both were of this parish and the witnesses were Mary Ann’s siblings, Charlotte Margaret Physick and Charles Physick. [14]

In the 1841 Census Mary Ann Wootton and her two children were living with her father, Edward William Physick, at St. Marylebone, Westminster. John Wootton was not present. [15] Mary Ann was still living with her father ten and twenty years later at 25 Duoro Cottages, Marylebone. She was a widow in 1851 and in 1861 Charlotte Ellen Wootton was 18 years of age and unmarried. [16-17]

The first known mention of “Lotti Wilmot” in a newspaper was in The Era on 18 May 1862. “Mrs Holcroft will give a Miscellaneous Entertainment at the Philharmonic Rooms, Newman-Street, Oxford-Street, assisted by Miss Louisa Stuart, Miss Lotti Wilmot; Messrs James Williams and Henry Lister, Master Edwin Lister and Professor Logrents, the Royal Conjuror.” If Lotti is Charlotte Ellen Wootton and still unmarried where did the name Wilmot come from?

Edward William Physick, at 88 years of age, died at 25 Duoro Cottages on 25 November 1862. His will was proved on 05 January 1863 by his son and sole executor Edward Gustavus Physick. [18-19] Edward William was the first of his family to exhibit sculptures at the Royal Academy and he was followed by his three sons, Edward Gustavus (1802-1875), Charles (1810-1873) and Robert (1815-1882) and their descendants. [20]

In 1874 the death of Mary Ann Willmott, aged 55 years, was registered in the Marylebone district. Is she really Mary Ann Wootton nee Physick who was born at Marylebone in 1813? [21] If they are one and same the ages provided in the census records are not a match – 1841 (20), 1851 (30), 1861 (39), and 1871 (48) – born 1819-1823.

If this is Lotti’s mother and Lottie is Charlotte Ellen Wootton – then Lotti and her daughter are now the last surviving members of her nuclear family. Lotti’s brother, John Edward Wootton, died in 1867 aged 26 years. [22]

Nothing further is known of the Wootton family and there is just one member of the Physick family still alive – her uncle Robert Physick. There is no trace of Charlotte Ellen Wootton or Lottie and Ada Wilmot in the 1881 census and there are no obvious death references.

Lotti Wilmot and her daughter, Ada, arrived at Melbourne Australia on the ship North American on 13 October 1876. [23] When they arrived at Dunedin on 24 August 1880 on the ship Rotomahana Lottie was 41 years of age and married. Ada was 17 and unmarried. [24] This age for Lottie does fit in with that for Charlotte Ellen Wootton. However, Ada is three years too old.

Lotti arrived at the Hutt in October 1883 “with health broken, an empty purse and, it would appear, quite friendless.” [25] In January 1884 she was staying with Mr Morret. [26] When an appeal to the public for assistance was made in February 1884 Lotti  did “not require this for herself, as she is willing and prepared to ‘peg out’ – not to put too fine a point upon it – but for her offspring she desires to live a little longer. [27] Her 17 year old daughter, Ada, who arrived from Port Chalmers to nurse her, secured for them both a two bedroom cottage. [28] What became of Ada is unknown.

Perhaps this scenario, with its compelling observations, will be of assistance to the next person who would like to attempt to prove the identity of Lotti Wilmot and ascertain whether Ada went on to have her own family.

[1] Letter Book of the Lower Hutt Town Board (1882-1889) – Hutt City Archives Reference ARCH63144 (digital copy online)

[2] Hutt Roll

[3] Evening Post 12 May 1884

[4] New Zealand Times 13 May 1884 Death Notice

[5] New Births, Deaths and Marriages online

[6] Evening Post 17 Jun 1884

[7] Evening Post 20 Jun 1884

[8] Evening Post 24 Jun 1884

[9] New Zealand Times 30 Jun 1884

[10] Evening Post 02 Jul 1884

[11] Show-girl: The Staging of Lotti Wilmot by Bronwyn Dalley – Journal of New Zealand Studies NS15 (2013), 4-21

[12] St Marylebone, Westminster Baptism Register. London, England, Church of England Births and Baptisms, 1813-1917 [database on-line]. Source: London Metropolitan Archives Reference Number: P89/MRY1/102

[13] FreeBMD – Entry for “Female” Wootton Sep Qt 1840 Marylebone

[14] St Marylebone, Westminster Marriage Register. London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1932 [database on-line]. Source: London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; Reference Number: p89/mry1/206

[15] 1841 Census Edward Physick, St Marylebone Class: HO107; Piece: 677; Book: 15; Enumeration District: 13; Folio: 16; Page: 26; Line: 24; GSU roll: 438793

[16] 1851 Census Edward William Physick, St Marylebone Class: HO107; Piece: 1491; Folio: 517; Page: 32; GSU roll: 87819-87820

[17] 1861 Census Edward William Physick, St Marylebone Class: RG 9; Piece: 89; Folio: 25; Page: 42; GSU roll: 542571

[18] Morning Post 02 Dec 1862 Death Notice for Edward William Physick

[19] National Probate Calendar 1863 Edward William Physick

[20] A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain, 1660-1851: Physick Family of London

[21] London, England, Births and Baptisms, 1813-1906 Baptism register St Marylebone, Westminster – Mary Ann Physick

[22] FreeBMD – Death entry for John Edward Wootton Sep Qt 1867 St George Hanover Square

[23] The Argus (Melbourne) 14 Oct 1876 Shipping Intelligence

[24] Victoria (AUS) to NZ – Passengers 1852-1923

[25] Fielding Star 21 June 1884 Madame Lottie Wilmot

[26] New Zealand Times 18 Jan 1884

[27] Evening Post 13 Feb 1884 To The Sympathising Public of New Zealand

[28] North Otago Times 20 Jun 1884 A Sad Story


Pandora Research

Dawn Chambers

How a Columnist arrives at a subject for her column

Email from the editor to Dawn:

What a very interesting article. I loved it.

It intrigues me how you arrive at your subject matter. I know I wander down some strange paths in my genealogical research but I have never seemingly picked a random name from a random source and found such a rare person. Well done.


Peter Nash



Hi Peter,

Thanks for the encouraging feedback. The process is not usually as random as it may seem. In this instance I found my own Sinclair ancestor referenced in the Letter Book volume and there may be more to find as I continue reading forwards. With Lotti - it seemed more that she found me - than the other way round... This isn't the first time - late last year 33 Imperial Soldiers appeared on my doorstep all at once - thanks to a researcher asking me a question I didn't know the answer to. They appeared during the process of trying to answer the question and because I cannot now unknow them - something needs to be done - so there is a whole pile of work associated with that. The researcher and I concurred that there was no such thing as coincidence and in the face of no explanation... we doff the cap, carry on and hope that our efforts result in having done the right thing.

I had absolutely no knowledge of Lotti when I first saw her name - so learning more just led the eyebrows higher and higher... and for once was quite happy to accept not being able to completely solve the mystery knowing that at least a light had been shone on a possible path forward.



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Chinese Corner 

The Chinese in New Zealand

The population of Chinese in New Zealand has, in the past, been controlled by government legislation.

The first immigration to New Zealand took place over two invitations from New Zealand's Otago gold-mining region to potential gold-miners of the Guangdong province in 1865. Racial discrimination was suffered intensely by these gold-mining communities, where the Europeans felt threatened by the economic competition they represented and their transient way of life.

However, in the 1880s, as anti- Chinese sentiment grew, New Zealand introduced a New Zealand Head Tax also known as the “Poll Tax” aimed specifically at Chinese migrants. Despite these political barriers, the Chinese still managed to grow their populations in New Zealand and their populations were boosted when wives and children of gold-miners were allowed into the country as refugees from the Guangdong province just prior to World War 2. This original group of Chinese migrants and their descendants are referred to as “old generation’ Chinese. The migration continued until the new Communist Chinese regime stopped emigration. In 1881, the Chinese Immigration Act 1881 was passed by the government, imposing a £10 tax per Chinese person entering New Zealand, and permitted only one Chinese immigrant for every 10 tons of cargo. This was increased to £100 per head in 1896, and tightened the other restriction to only one Chinese immigrant for every 200 tons of cargo.


A White New Zealand

The Government has decided that no permits are to be granted this year for the admission of Chinese to New Zealand for permanent residence. Attention has been drawn in various quarters lately to the number of Asiatics allowed to take up residence in the Dominion. It is not generally understood, however, that the position with regard to the admission of aliens is controlled by the Customs Department by means of a rigid permit system. Since the Act of 1920 the issue of permits to Chinese to enter New Zealand permanently has been limited to one hundred per year. This year, however, it has been decided that no such permits shall be granted. Chinese and other foreigners who desire to enter the Dominion as visitors only, and intend to leave within six months, are granted temporary permits. A certain number of Chinese avail themselves of this privilege. It is understood that over 2000 applications have been received from Chinese for permits to enter New Zealand permanently, but these permits have not been granted.



Alien Population

New Zealand prides itself on being practically an Englishman's country, and while a handful of alien nationals arrive in the country each year as intending permanent residents, their numbers do not materially increase, owing to the annual departure of aliens to their country of origin. This counter-balancing feature is more especially noticeable with the Chinese population. The Immigration Restriction Amendment Act of 1920 limited the number of Chinese immigrants into the country, and the imposition of the £100 poll tax has kept the number well below the quota. But offsetting the hundreds who arrive annually, an almost equal number of Chinese have departed for their native shores. The rate of permanent increase of Chinese in New Zealand, therefore, has diminished year by year.  The latest statistical returns show that for the year 1927, the Chinese population of this country increased by only eight persons. There are other factors which govern this question, notably, supply and demand. The Chinese have practically captured the fruit and vegetable trade of this country, and the labor required in the cultivation of produce is undertaken by Chinese. These men have nearly all been brought out, and their poll tax paid for them by compatriots who have lived here long enough to accumulate the necessary money. The poll tax may prevent poor Chinese from entering the Dominion, but it does not prevent the wealthy one already here from bringing out a nominated work for him. When the occasion arises the Chinese communities will assuredly increase at a greater rate. 



Chinese Immigrants appeal for relaxation of Regulations Wives and Families

 “With Communist China coming closer to Canton and Hong Kong, I hope the Government will reconsider the present situation and allow more of the wives and families of Chinese in New Zealand to come to the Dominion.” This was stated to-day by the, Chinese Anglican missioner, the Rev. Cheung Wing-ngok. Most of the Chinese in New Zealand come from those two cities, he said. The Chinese here were Nationalist, not Communist, and there was no fear of Communist infiltration through the Chinese. There were 1600 or 1700 Chinese residents in the Dominion with their relatives living abroad. Some of the men were worried about the Communist advance as they did not know what would happen to their relatives, added Mr Cheung. The Customs Department confirmed that no adult male Chinese had been allowed to come to New Zealand as permanent residents since 1928. Those resident in New Zealand had been able to visit China and return. Since 1935 10 permits a year had been available to allow the wives and minor children of New Zealand-born Chinese to come to the Dominion, and since 1940 five permits a year had been available to allow naturalised Chinese to bring their families to the Dominion, with extension in both cases in 1947 to include fiancees as well as wives. There are, however, very few naturalised Chinese. 


Helen Wong

Anne Sherman

 The GRO Searchable Database and PDF ordering.

A Brief Background:

There have been calls to improve access to civil registration records for many years going back at least 25 years. Various Government papers looked at the issues, including a 1990 White Paper on ‘Registration: Proposals for Change’, but little if anything was ever agreed.

In 2002 the 'Civil Registration: Delivering Vital Change', report mentioned electronic access to ‘historic’ records could be provided by a ‘not-for-profit’ organisation. Between 2005 and 2012 there were several attempts to digitise and index the General Register Office (GRO). records, primarily the DoVE (Digitisation of Vital Events) and MAGPIE (Multi-Access to GRO Public Index of Events) projects, but none where completed.  It was not until the Deregulation Act 2015, that different ways of accessing historic civil registration records were discussed again.  This Act allows the relevant Government Minister to make regulations dealing with searching and supplying information from civil registration records held in the GRO [1].

During November 2016 the GRO trialled the first of 3 pilot schemes, allowing the purchase and emailing of PDF copies including birth records dated 1837-1934 and death records dated 1837-1957 These copies can only be used for research purposes not for official identification purposes as they are certified. Phase 2 piloted the delivery of the PDF records within 3 hours, and phase 3 the delivery of PDF copies of civil registration entries that are not held by GRO in a digital format.

The pilots were clearly successful as the system now has a rolling program to add more indexes, and the PDF ordering continues – but only up to 1919 births and 1957 deaths.

The Searchable Index.

To assist in the ordering process a free online searchable database was also introduced. To access this you must register and login into the GRO website. Unlike the original GRO indexes, which many family history researchers were familiar with, these indexes include the mother’s maiden name for most birth registrations prior to 1911, and ages of death prior to 1860.  Both of these are a huge boost for researchers.   Currently, the birth index goes up to 1919, and then has a gap until 1984 and continuing to 2004. The death index covers 1837 to 1957, with 1984 to some of 2019 also covered.  The cheaper (and quicker) PDF copies are not available for the most recent periods. In order to purchase a certificate of a birth record between 1920 and 1983, or a death certificate between 1958 and 1983 the reference details must be found on the FreeBMD website or other partner databases.  There is no searchable index for marriages on the GRO website.

To search either index is easy but also surprisingly restrictive, as can be seen from the image below, and can be accessed via:

The search for names can be exact spellings, phonetical or similar sounding. The names are also broken down into three parts, surname (which is a requirement), followed by first and second forenames.  Although this can be a useful feature there are issues if the person was not known by their 1st forename. It is possible however to search without inputting any forenames, but a surname must always be included.

As the mother’s maiden name can also be added this can making the search for births with popular surnames easier.

The main issues with this search are that you must choose the gender (male or female but not both), and a year - but you can only search for up to 2 years on either side.

An interesting omission is that you cannot search the indexes by county.  Currently you can either search by registration district, which can be restrictive if the family moved around, or by the whole of England and Wales. 

The search page for death registration is similar but includes the age at death (+/- 1, 2, 5 or 10 years) instead of the mother’s maiden name.


The Search Results.

When I first tried this database I decided to look for the births and deaths of some of the people in my family tree, and in each case I found all of them, despite some reports of missing entries. In fact, because of the mother’s maiden name search, I found a couple of births that I had not previously found as they had been born and died between census years.  

My main concern with the results in general, was that the quarters are listed by initial letter. M = March, J=June, S=September and D=December. For experienced researchers this is not too much of a problem, but for new researchers it can be confusing, especially as J could be taken to mean January, June or July. There has been some online discussion on various forums about the naming of quarters with some preferring 1st Qtr and 2nd Qtr etc., but my students usually find the JFM (Jan, Feb, Mar), AMJ (Apr, May, Jun) formats easier to remember.  Note that some other websites give the qtr as the first month so the June qtr is shown as April, which confuses things even more.

Another issue with the results is the lack of county.  I appreciate that counties moved their boundaries, but I needed to do an internet search to find that the ‘Lexden and Winstree Union’ was in Essex.

An interesting omission in the results shown above is the mother’s maiden name for birth in the Blofield Union.  As this child is in my family tree, I know he was illegitimate.  I searched for other known illegitimate births, where the father is not recorded and in each case the mother’s maiden name column is blank. So this is a good indication of an illegitimate birth.

The GRO have included a system to correct any incorrect or missing entries, as shown to the left. 

The form opens in a new browser window and you are required to complete all of the details yourself.

Whereas the FreeBMD website entries are linked to the corresponding index images, the GRO entries are not, so possible transcription errors cannot be checked. 

Ordering PDF Copies

Ordering PDF copies or the actual certificates is now easy. Once the record has been found in the index search, you simply click on the button at the side of the name and then on the relevant option, which takes you to the order page where all the information has already been completed - you just need to make the payment.


This GRO searchable index is a tool to help researchers to purchase the correct record, rather than a general research tool. The addition of the mother’s maiden name is very useful, but tempered by the restrictive search of +/- 2 years and the male/female requirement, meaning that several searches for family members must be made rather than one inclusive search. The popular FreeBMD website will in my view continue to be a vital resource for the majority of general searches, especially as their double entry system can help to weed out transcription errors. In addition the larger database websites such as Findmypast and Ancestry have also started to add the extra details to the earlier records to their own indexes.

[1]  Fairbairn, Catherine. (2015)  Briefing Paper. Researching ancestry: access to civil registration records. Number 02722, 9 July 2015. Accessed online :

Anne Sherman

Guest Contributors 

An Invitation to Contribute:

I have a number of people that contribute occasional articles. These appear irregularly if and when the authors send them to me.  I use them to bulk up each month's newsletter. The more we have the more "rests "I can give my much-appreciated regular columnists.

This is a way that a person can get some of their writing published. Of course we are all writing up our research results, aren't we? I have always said that every genealogist is an expert in some small piece of history, resources or research methods.

We circulate this newsletter to about 7,000 subscribers worldwide but is read by many more as it is passed on to other readers and LDS research centres. Every month I get feedback on my poor attempts at writing and I have now made many "new friends", albeit digital ones. In a few months I hope to meet a few when I waddle along to a few conferences and meetings in England and Scotland. I have even had a few very helpful assistances in my research.

Why don't you contribute an article?

My basic requirements:

            1) The column must be in English

            2) The column should be no longer than 1,200 words approximately

            3) The article should be emailed to me in a Word document format

            4) The subject should be genealogical or historical in nature

Do not be afraid about your "perceived" bad English. The article will be edited, in a friendly manner, by me and then Robert. Then all columnists and a few valuable proofreaders get to read the newsletter before it is emailed out.   You’ll be paid $0 for your article, which is on the same scale that Robert and I pay ourselves for editing and publishing the newsletter.                  

From our Libraries and Museums

We are offering a forum to our libraries and museums to publicise their events, and to contribute articles to this newsletter that may be of interest to our readers. Auckland Libraries makes good use of this free service, let’s see if other libraries and museums take up this offer.

For readers of this newsletter: please bring this to the attention of your local libraries etc, and encourage them to participate.

Auckland Libraries

DNA Masters Series

Auckland edition

Put these dates in your diary! Details to be confirmed in January

Monday, 16 March, 1-3pm Blaine Bettinger

Friday, 3 April 7.30pm-9pm Jonny Perl Monday,

6 April 1-3pm Angie Bush

HeritageTalks  - Waha -taonga

February 2020

Are you interested in family and local history; the stories of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Pacific, and beyond?

Then why not come along to one of our fortnightly HeritageTalks - Waha -taonga and hear more about both our personal and our shared heritage?

These talks are given by experts in their field and can provide valuable insight into our histories.


When: Wednesdays, February to November, 12pm - 1pm unless otherwise stated
Where: Whare Wānanga, Level 2, Central City Library, Lorne St, Auckland
Cost: Free
Booking: All welcome. Booking recommended.

To ensure your place, please contact Research Central on 09 890 2412, or book online at 




Māori accounts of disaster recovery
with Xavier Forsman, Auckland Libraries

Wednesday 5 February 12pm – 1pm

While Hawke’s Bay can be said to owe much of its present-day character to the development following the 1931 earthquake, little is documented on how Māori communities of the region fared. Join Xavier Forsman as he explores this area by drawing on field work undertaken as part of his Master's thesis. He reflects on the experiences of interviewing Māori elders and the insights gained from them, and incorporates how the unpredictable nature of research led him to the region's freezing works closures, disasters in their own right.


Researching your property – panel discussion

Wednesday 12 February 12pm – 1pm

Would you like to learn some tips and tools for researching your property? If so, join us to hear representatives from Auckland Council’s Heritage Unit, Archives, the Auckland Libraries’ Research Central and Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga discuss tips and tools of the trade. Each speaker will provide an overview of the resources available from their respective areas and there will also be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.


Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland's past
with Auckland History Initiative Summer Scholars

Wednesday 19 February 12pm – 1pm

The Auckland History Initiative (AHI), a research collaboration at the University of Auckland, presents a series of research projects from the 2020 Summer Scholars, exploring aspects of Auckland's history. These students have spent 12 weeks over the summer break researching in the varied and rich archives around Auckland under the supervision of Professor Linda Bryder. The AHI views the Summer Research Scholarships as an integral way to engage students in Auckland history and to strengthen relationships with the Auckland GLAMR (Galleries, libraries, archives, museums and records) sector.


In search of Scandinavian ancestors with Seonaid Lewis

Wednesday 26 February 12pm – 1pm

Viking, mariner, whaler, trader, forester, gum digger – if tales of these occupations lurk in your background, then your ancestors might be Scandinavian!

Scandinavians had a big impact on the settlement and development of New Zealand. Come along and learn how to find out more about them, and where to look.


Nga mihi | Kind regards


Seonaid (Shona) Lewis RLIANZA | Family History Librarian

Central Auckland Research Centre, Central City Library

Heritage and Research

Auckland Libraries - Nga Whare Matauranga o Tamaki Makarau

Ph 09 890 2411| Extn (46) 2411 | Fax 09 307 7741

Auckland Libraries, Level 2, Central City Library, 44 - 46 Lorne Street, Auckland

Visit our website:

@Kintalk on Twitter / Auckland Research Centre on Facebook


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Group News

Whangarei Family History Computer Group


image001 Wayne: (09) 437 2881

 Pat: (09) 437 0692


Thursday evening venue is 6 Augusta Place, Whau Valley. Call Wayne or Pat or;

email, if you need directions.

 Saturday meetings are held in the SeniorNet rooms in James Street.

The rooms are upstairs in the Arcade leading to Orr’s Pharmacy and Tiffany’s Café, Start time 9.30 till finished before 1.30pm.





Heaven and Hell Together 

Is an online book of a number of First Fleet convicts, a number of which were my ancestors, two sets of five times Great-Grandparents – It is now archived on the National Library of Australia, Trove. It makes very interesting reading

Wayne Laurence

Waikanae Family History Group

 Contacts: Email:

Venue: Meets every 4th Thursday morning at the Waikanae Chartered Club, 8 Elizabeth Street Waikanae, just over the Railway Crossing from 9.30am to 12 -12.30pm, every month from January to November.

Research days: at the Waikanae Public Library, 10am to 12 noon on second Wednesday of each month.



Waitara Districts History & Families Research Group

 The contact details of this group are:

Waitara Districts History & Families Research Group

Rose Cottage 33 Memorial Place


Tel: 06 – 754 – 3212



President:- Rona Hooson 

Vice President:- Doree Smith

Secretary:- Trish Smart

Treasurer:- Marilyn O’Lander



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News and Views

Various Articles Worth Reading

From the Editor: Because of space restrictions and copyright issues I cannot put the complete articles in this newsletter so here are some URLs that are worth looking at:

 How copyright works: What family historians need to know


This is a very readable article on that vexed subject, Copyright. It is well worth spending a few minutes reading it and you can then sound like an expect in the next argument you have on this matter.

Forming consent

Further to an article or two on ethics in genealogy here is an important article. To me it should be a compulsory read for anyone doing the DNA route for their research.          




Can You Find Your Ancestors in These Old English Criminal Records?

If you have read my column above you will see that I have had success using this source. If the person you are researching becomes a convict to Australia this website gives you links to documents in Australia giving details of their "service" to the nation.           


The Complete Guide to Choosing: Ancestry vs Find My Past


17 best free online Scottish resources

Retrieval of Irish archive lost in 1922 fire ‘astounding’, historian says




When a Genealogy Hobby Digs Up Unwanted Secrets


Before we buy that kit…

Here is another good article from one of my favourite bloggers. It should be another compulsory read.




RootsWeb Mailing Lists to be Discontinued

The following is from an email message sent to many RootsWeb users from the RootsWeb administrators:

Beginning March 2nd, 2020 the Mailing Lists functionality on RootsWeb will be discontinued. Users will no longer be able to send outgoing emails or accept incoming emails. Additionally, administration tools will no longer be available to list administrators and mailing lists will be put into an archival state.

Administrators may save the emails in their list prior to March 2nd. After that, mailing list archives will remain available and searchable on RootsWeb.

As an alternative to RootsWeb Mailing Lists, Ancestry message boards are a great option to network with others in the genealogy community. Message boards are available for free with an Ancestry registered account.

Thank you for being part of the RootsWeb family and contributing to this community.

The RootsWeb team


We’ve enjoyed using and participating in the Rootsweb list, and the announcement above sparked a discussion about what to do.  Hugh has set up another list, and in my inbox this morning was an email from : -

This is a mailing list for family history (genealogy) and local history researchers searching in New Zealand 

This is a replacement list for the NZ rootsweb mailing list.

Members are encouraged to ask for assistance with their research in New Zealand and to assist others when possible.

Topics open for discussion are :

a. The History of NZ and places in NZ

b. The Genealogy of the families who lived there for any period or settled there

c. Publications, archives, resources etc. relating to the area

d. Announcements of related events or events considered to be of benefit / interest to subscribers

newzealand at

So Hugh’s wonderful service will continue, in fact even better than before as all the old features of the Rootsweb list remain, plus more.   So, go to
and add your email to the list.

Book Reviews

 Battle on 42nd Street - A close up of a sign

Description automatically generatedWar in Crete and the Anzacs’ bloody last stand  by Peter Monteath published 2019 260 pages UNSW ISBN 9781742236032 (also avail as eBook & ePDF)

It is amazing that new books on WWII are still being published some 75 years after the events, but which still bring new perspectives. I was researching a relative's time in the NZEF 18th Battalion in Greece & Crete, but he joined after the 18th’s action in these battles but went on to serve in the Desert & Italian actions.

The book is well researched, very readable and adds many more personal experiences than are contained in the “official” histories of the various units of the armies involved: British, New Zealand (18th and the 28th Maori Battalions), Australian & German.

This adds to its value as a source of information for genealogy & family research purposes through the extensive bibliography, chapter notes and index (38 pages).

The Allied units had been chased out of Greece where attempts were made to halt the German advance, evacuated to Crete and without support of major equipment they were again expected to make a stand. The book documents the various actions of the governments and leaders both military and political involved and I, for one wonder, about the mindset of some of those decision makers (some of Freyberg’s decisions are questioned).

The narrative, collected from recorded memories of soldiers from both sides of the battles, details the absolute ferocity of the hand to hand combat with bayonets (there is a chapter on bayonets) This is not long-range shelling and tactical manoeuvres. This is where you have to look the enemy soldier in the eye as you use the bayonet to kill him, or be killed.

The allies made a stand to stop the Germans gaining access to airfields in western Crete near Canea but without air support and artillery it was all but impossible. The Germans then launched massive troop landing by parachute drops and by gliders bringing in troops. The German losses were horrendous, but the sheer numbers eventually overwhelmed the allied positions. The German paratroopers were shot at, as they floated down and were then subjected to being bayoneted while trying to release their harnesses, again either him or me.

42nd Street was dirt road through olive groves near Suda Bay and was bivouac to a British unit; it was the site of some of the fiercest hand to hand fighting.

When the situation was deemed hopeless many of the allied soldiers managed to evacuate at night, (Germans controlled the daytime skies) by sea to Egypt and to fight another day, but many were captured.

There are sections on actual/perceived war crimes by both sides as well as the German’s brutal treatment of the Cretans who helped the allies. A Maori Proverb in the book “When the gates of war have been flung open, man no longer takes notice of light and reason” gives a measure of what the order “fix bayonets” really means.

I will never know how I would have re-acted to having to use a bayonet on another person so that I could live, but surmise I would have, and having survived I would then have to live with it as did the war veterans, often with minimal help and pressure on family relationships.

I will be visiting Greece & Crete in April and will retrace some of the battle sites and have a beer at the 42nd Street Memorial in thanks to those that died to keep us safe

Ken Morris

In conclusion

Help wanted

Letters to the Editor

Hutt Valley High School

I notice in the recent newsletter about the 'demise' (if I have got that right) of  Genealogy societies. 

My name is Judith Gardiner and I am a volunteer full time archivist at Hutt Valley High School in Lower Hutt (Wellington).

HVHS commenced in 1926 and is the oldest and largest public school in the Hutt Valley currently operating.  I have often wondered how I can promote our school archives to family researchers with little cost as my budget is very 'slim.'

I have just completed a five year project transcribing students names from year books and other sources from when the school commenced through to 2019.  Included in these lists are Honours Boards and our Roll of Honour.  I also have a very large spread sheet of all the men, and some women who served or were involved in the 2nd World War and the ones who died - when and where.  I also have transcribed all the presentation cups that are currently presented as well as the ones that are not, and also the ones that have been lost.  The lost ones I obtained the names from the year books.

What I would like to be able to do is provide a link that researchers can contact the school archives.  Our alumni is very impressive and I know there are people in New Zealand and certainly around the world who attended Hvhs or their parents or grandparents did.  

Would you consider adding our address to your data base.  All our research is free of charge, and we only ask for a donation if people so wish.  

Looking forward to hearing from you and you may be able to suggest what I can do.


Kind regards

Judith Gardiner <>


Topp Family Reunion

Email:    Facebook Topp Family Reunion

DNA Discovery Tour 2020

This coming March there will be a DNA Discovery Tour in New Zealand, with three international DNA Experts, Blaine T Bettinger, Angie Bush (USA) and Jonny Perl (UK).

Many of you will have heard of Blaine Bettinger, author of the blog The Genetic Genealogist and the book The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy (and others). If you've ever used The Shared cM Project then you need to come and listen to the man who started this project share his knowledge about understanding your DNA results.

Angie Bush is a full time genetic genealogist researcher and educator at AncestryProGen. She is a director for the National Genealogical Society and chair of its genetic genealogy committee. Angie loves combining research in traditional records and genetic evidence to break down brick walls.

You may have heard about a three day DNA Discovery masterclass in Auckland in April 2020 with Blaine and Angie and Jonny Perl.  This masterclass sold out quickly meaning that many people missed out. So we are pleased to announce there will now be two full days of DNA based lectures from Blaine & Angie in Christchurch (21-22 March 2020) and Wellington (27-28 March 2020) with the support of and in association with the Christchurch City Library.

Details of the lecture programme (same at Christchurch and Wellington) and how to book and pay for your tickets can can be found at Eventbrite.
We'll have a couple of other exciting announcements coming up so do stay tuned to our Facebook page:  

We look forward to seeing many of you there.  

The DNA Discovery 2020 Team

Michelle Patient - Paul Alpe - Fiona Brooker

Advertising with FamNet

Every now and then we get requests to put an advertisement in the newsletter. I have therefore created a new section which will appear from time to time. Advertisements will be included only at the Editor's discretion and will be of a genealogical nature.

If your organisation is not a group subscriber then there will be a charge for advertising events and services, which must be paid for before publication. Charges start at $NZ25 for a basic flier, and increase for more elaborate presentations. Like everyone else we need funds to help keep FamNet going. Fees are very minimal. If your organisation paid a yearly subscription you can have all the advertising you want all year round in the Group News section. Your group could be anywhere in the world, not just in New Zealand. The editor will continue to exercise discretion for free events.

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A Bit of Light Relief

Between bouts of eating, drinking and sleeping over the festive break I have been exploring you tube. I hope you will enjoy these clips.                                   

Mistaken Genealogist Thinks All Research Is Online


Genealogy Humour



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If you have problems with this page you can email us directly, but the page should be self-explanatory.

Copyright (Waiver)

Feel free to redistribute this newsletter. If you publish a newsletter yourself you may include material from this newsletter in yours provided that you acknowledge its source and include the FamNet URL.

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