Part of the worldwide genealogy/family history community
FamNet eNewsletter August 2014
ISSN 2253-4040
Quote: “Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.” E. Joseph Cossman.
Testing for Family History
6. Your Direct Maternal Line
Poem Found in World War One Kilt
Changing Face of Genealogy Collaboration
Whangarei Family History Computer
Have Your Say – Letters to the
Do you often wonder if your grandfather or great grandfather owned a pet? Maybe he had a beloved dog or a cat. Unless you have old photographs with a pet in the picture, you would never know. You do not hear many stories in a history of an ancestor who had a pet. I don’t know if any of my ancestors had pets.
My cat
I write this with a very heavy heart. But will remember all the joy she bought into our lives. Will I get another cat? I don’t know.
From Robert Barnes
Due to a bereavement in the family, Robert will not be contributing to the newsletter this month. He will be back again next month.
© Gail Riddell 2014
This is the 6th in a series of 12 articles by
In the 5th article for this newsletter, I finished off by stating I would go into more depth on the maternal lineage testing. So here we go! (As in keeping with my previous articles, this is aimed at the non versed tester and not to the scientific community, thus I am attempting to use layman’s wording and examples, wherever possible, in spite of the shortcomings of same).
All human beings carry mitochondria – these are inherited from their mothers. They are not a chromosome, although they carry DNA. The mitochondria surround the outside of the cell which in turn houses the chromosomes. They are the “power house” of that cell – they provide the energy for everything that is within the cell and all the functions required throughout that cell’s lifetime.
Although men inherit mitochondria from their mothers, they cannot pass it on to their offspring – this is done by the women. So even though you and all your siblings both male and female will show the same outcome of a mitochondrial test (called “mtDNA”) provided you all have the same mother, only the daughters will pass their mother’s mtDNA to their children, and so on. Thus, it is invaluable for tracing your mother’s ethnicity.
Hang on a minute… ethnicity? Why ethnicity? You are interested in ancestry – right? Sorry.
You will not get ancestry from this test under normal circumstances UNLESS you seek out the direct female descendant of the woman you believe to be also of your mother’s direct maternal ancestry and get her to also test. If you and she have the same mtDNA results then yes, you have received your answer. So if that person (or any other member of your mother’s direct ancestry) never tests, then you will never get that required match. (More on this shortly).
I can hear the wheels turning in your mind as you wonder why anyone would even consider taking such a test for genealogical purposes… Here are some possible answers.
You wish to learn from what direct maternal ethnicity your mother
descends? White, black, brown, red, etc. meaning
European, African, Maori, American Indian etc.
You wish to learn if great Aunt Bertha (or her brother) and your mother
had the same direct maternal ancestor.
You wish to learn whether you and a cousin (who looks exactly like you),
had the same mother.
You have been adopted and you are seeking something (seeking anything)
on your direct maternal family.
You hope that one day, sooner or later, you will get a match with
someone who has a similar mtDNA result as you AND
that they have a family tree.
mtDNA mutations across the markers move excruciatingly slowly. Meaning if you select the “Full Sequence mtDNA” test, then you may have numerous matches (or none whatsoever) and you may not have clue why you have a match with that other tester, meaning you do not recognise the surname and you have no idea why they are living in say, Norway.
To begin, generally a woman changes name at each generation by taking her husband’s name and unless you have incredibly detailed huge family tree with absolutely every single possible person in your family listed (as well as their husbands, their offspring, their children’s spouses and children, and so on), why should you (any tester) expect to recognise the name your march possesses?
To further explain this, take for example one woman born around 1700. She will likely have married and begun to have children by the age of 25 and if she is healthy and not in impoverished conditions, she may have say 10 children and possibly ½ of these will be daughters. Now, say all five daughters do the same, marrying and again having a large family with half of them daughters. In turn, all 25 carry on the same practice. So by the year 1825, we have hundreds of direct maternal descendants (in just one century) all bearing that one woman’s mtDNA (born 1700) but if they have a child, most will be using the surnames of their husbands/their fathers and highly likely to have moved to a different county or a country different to that of their direct maternal ancestor (whose mtDNA they carry).
Oops, we forgot about when a woman adopts an orphan or another family member’s child and brings it up as her own. Such a child bears no resemblance in terms of mtDNA to that of the woman she calls “ma”. But genealogical paper-work states she (or he) is a child of the woman (and man) who raises her – after all, the marriage documents of that adopted child or the “Old Parish Records” or the death documents state the parent’s names as proof, right? Wrong!
Such records record only what is told at the time of such registration by the informant at that time. These are wonderful records to locate but they are not “proof”. DNA matching is “proof”.
To change tack on this topic, I am now going to write about the tests for mtDNA. Many commercial firms will take your money for mtDNA and they will offer you the absolute basic test, which we call HVR1 (“hypervariable region 1st level”), although they may simply label this as “mtDNA”. This looks at a few SNPs (single nucleotide positions) within the mitochondria and this output is classified as “low resolution”.
Just as an example, think of your computer monitor screen where you can alter the resolution of what you see on your screen or alternatively think of the output from your printer (or scanner) where you can alter the “dpi”(dots per inch) from low resolution to high resolution etc. Low resolution is “grainy”, whereas high resolution is “fine or smooth”. This is a little similar to mtDNA results.
After this basic test, there is HVR2, meaning it is of a “higher resolution” of the hypervariable region and therefore delves a little deeper to get results. Is this sufficient? The resounding answer has to be “NO”. Neither of these tests is in any way conclusive as to your mitochondria. There is more to go if you want some sort of conclusiveness. (Always assuming that you are merely putting a “toe into the waters” as opposed to deliberately testing two possibly related females).
Should you want the highest resolution, you are obliged to test with just one firm – the only one which offers it, namely FamilyTree DNA (FTDNA). You need to order the “Full Sequence” test which covers both HVR1 and HVR2 pus adds what is commonly known as the “Cambridge Reference” Sequence (“rCRS” or “CRS”).
Just before I finish off, from a personal viewpoint, after I tested my Full Sequence mtDNA, I decided I wanted my siblings to test also. After all, it would be good to know that my siblings and I had the same mother, in spite of the fact that I was the oldest and had seen my mother go through her pregnancies with my siblings. It was me that wished for proof that I had not been adopted!
Yes, all of us were from the same mother – mind you, I had little idea as to what I would do or say had it turned out otherwise. (This can be a real issue for anyone getting their siblings to test!)
In the 9th article, you will learn more about understanding the results of your mtDNA test. The next and 7th article will consider the autosomal test and the 8th will be on “Understanding your Paternal results”. The 10th article will “understand your autosomal results”. The 11th article will be “Hints and Tips”. The final article will be on “Websites and blogs and forums for DNA” or whatever questions you have and forward to me.
From Colleen
Following on from Sue’s review of “Atlas of the Great Irish Famine” I purchased a copy for myself (at a great price!) and of course I have been reading it. There are 700 pages and it weighs at least 2kgs.The information contained in the book is so interesting I thought readers might like to learn of what really caused the famine and the consequences.
Terry Eagleson wrote “Part of the horror of
the Famine is its atavistic nature – the mind shattering fact that an event
with all the pre-modern character of medieval pestilence happened in
All over the country of
The blight on the potato was the fuse that set off the time-bomb of the
Great Famine, the echoes of which still reverberate down to our own
times. It began by shattering and withering of bodies of the poor as they
starved in their cabins, in the fields, on the relief roads and in the lanes of
towns and the cities. The unspeakable had happened. Tadhg O Scannaill, a farmer in
She remembered finding a mother and daughter on the path locked in each other’s arms, within a few yards of Rain an Daimh, on the path above the Glenn. The night was snowy, there was a little snow on their clothes, they were around here the day before.
Miss Mary Kettle recalled – my grandfather was going with a cow to the fair of Cootehill, and he saw a girl standing up against a gate that was along the road. The cow moved over to the gate and when my grandfather went over to drive the cow away from it, he got a terrible shock when he found that the girl was dead. She died from hunger and cold. Her clothes were stiff from the frost,
There are hundreds of narratives but one which stands out; quote: I was surprised to find the wretched hamlet apparently deserted. I entered some of the hovels to ascertain the cause, and the scenes which presented themselves were such that no pen or tongue can convey the slightest idea of. In the first, six famished and ghastly skeletons, to all appearances dead, were huddled in a corner on some filthy straw, their sole covering with what seemed a ragged horsecloth, their wretched legs hanging about, naked above the knees. I approached with horror, and found by low moaning, they were alive – they were in fever, four children, a woman and what had once been a man. It is impossible to go through the detail. Suffice to say, that in a few minutes I was surrounded by at least 200 such phantoms, such frightful spectres no words can describe, Their demoniac yells are ringing in my ears, and their horrible images are fixed upon my brain. My heart sickens at the recital, but I must go on.
Emigration both seasonal and permanent – had long been a feature of
Irish life. Already about a million people had left the country in the
two decades 1821 and 1841; The annual emigration continued up to 1845/46;
then as famine intensified , the exodus from Ireland became an unstoppable
flood. Close to a million desperate Irish people emigrated to overseas
countries between 1846 and March 1851 with close to a further half million
leaving Ireland by the end of March 1852, In addition, between a quarter
and one-third of a million famine-stricken people ended up in the slums of
Liverpool, Glasgow, London and other English cities. By 1891 , four out
of ten of the total Irish-born population were living abroad particularly to the
Unites States, Britain and also a major recipient Australia and New Zealand
were becoming other havens. The scattering of the Irish across the
English speaking world was in full flow – southern
I purchased this book at the cost of two paperbacks and for a genealogist or the historically minded it is a brilliant book. It was purchased from The Book Depository online with free postage. Just as well, with the weight of the book.
February 10, 1846
I regret to say that there
is not the slightest mitgation in the accounts of the
destitution received today. We are now in the midst of a second winter, the
frost and snow of Christmas having apparently reset in with equal if not
increased severity, so that any prospect of amelioration is just now as remote
as ever. The progress of distress in the
"The duty of publishing reports of the inquests held on persons who have 'died by starvation' has now become so frequent, and such numbers are daily reaching us from every part of the county, that the limits of our space to not admit of their publication. Our reporter sends particulars of 15 of such cases from Bantry yesterday, and mentions that 20 more had occurred during the week, but inquests could not be held; and we received this morning from Mallow reports of 11 inquests held by Mr. Richard Jones on persons who had died from want of food. Communications pour in from every district, a tithe of which we could not find room for, stating similar appalling facts. Our reporters are daily occupied in attending meetings throughout the county, and there are as many applications to that effect as would require a corps equal to the Times, and a sheet of equal size, to present a daily record of them."
Potato Blight
The poem was
written by a Helen Govan of
A hidden poem from a
It is signed by Helen Govan, of
The full poem reads:
I hope your kilt will fit you well
and in it you will look a swell
If married never mind
if single drop a line
Wish you bags of luck
and a speedy return back to Blighty
Dr Paul said: "It would be fantastic to trace who this
lady was and learn more about her history."
The London Scottish Regiment kilt was manufactured by Peter
Wilson of
Dr Paul, an economics historian at the
could not find the author of this piece, but thought some of you might find
this interesting.
We talk about collaboration and telling the stories of our family almost as though it is something new. Surely this is the real reason why so many of us get interested in genealogy in the first instance. Whatever our age we all like to hear about things that have happened be it last week or last century.
This month I have decided to write about collaboration and how the perception of genealogy has changed due to the internet and our increasing use of what is available to connect with others.
When I first started researching our family history (I am also researching my husband's family) the internet was in its infancy and we were on dial up. This was expensive and you would go online pick up your emails and read them later.
Collaborating with others was difficult but not impossible and like many others I used some of the Rootsweb mailing lists of relevance to my research interests.
The only other way of communicating with fellow researchers was to belong to a family history society to find other researchers and contact them by post.
Research in those early days, even just finding a reference to order a certificate, meant heading off to record offices or local archives where you had to trawl through microfiche or film to find what you wanted. There were some indexes available mainly through local family history societies which did help you find the right roll of film.
Programmes like WDYTYA which is showing its 11th series in the
These changes have taken place over a relatively short space of time and it is true that there are those who have not truly embraced the changes.
There has been discussion on social networks about how family history societies may need to change to connect with the needs of their members. Some have been forward thinking and have reached out to researchers across the world by providing access to online education but this may not be an avenue that every society can or should copy.
The societies I belong to in
What do you want from your society? Don’t forget to tell those who help run the society, you may find that others think the same.
I have mentioned discussion on social networks and these have become the equivalent of the mailing lists of the past but more. Facebook has groups for genealogy and Google+ has its communities. There are also others such as Twitter and Pintrest. Whereas we communicated by email and text in the past we now have a much more visual way of sharing. This has enhanced our ability to share our experiences but opened up more challenges when we publish online what might be copyrighted. Will these copyright challenges limit our experience?
We also interact using our blogs such as this one and many other individual blogs see Geneabloggers maintained by Thomas MacEntee.
Whilst webinars are an educational resource they can help provide pointers to things you may not be aware of and they are a great way to get information to those who may not be able to get to conferences or other genealogy events.
Video blogging using the Hangouts on Air on Google+ is becoming increasingly popular and allows genealogists from across the world to communicate by live discussion. They can also be used as a tool similar to webinars and a way to share how you do things.
To finish I would like to tell you about a Google+ community I am setting up to discuss how we get our genealogy software to work for us.
I will post on my blog when I launch. I want this to be a discussion forum so that we can learn from each other, we all need to collaborate.
If you know of websites that you think may be helpful to others please email The Editor
To find FamNet’s Useful Websites page: either
· Click the [Community] tab on FamNet’s home page. Click the button [Useful Web Sites]. Or
· Click the [General Resource Databases] tab on FamNet’s home page. Locate “Useful Web Sites” in the list of “Other Tables” and click this link.
Useful Maori Websites
I have been doing a bit of research on Maori and found these sites of interest.
Whakapapa meaning Maori Genealogy
This is the main Maori site on the net. This site has births, deaths and surnames. Very useful site.
Red Cross WW1 Prisoner-of-War Records go Online
It's 3 years since the plans of the International Committee of the Red Cross to make available their records in time for the centenary they've met their target. This PDF document explains the records held - which unfortunately are fairly limited. You can search the index cards here.
WW1 Film Clips Online at the
There are over 1000 film clips from the Great War online now
at the
There's also a new dedicated WW1 search page at which you'll find here.
National Archives
First World War officers' service records From today you can search surviving
World War Officers’ service records online. These records contain a range
of correspondence relating to an officer's career, including insightful
documents revealing promotions, medical history, pensions and details
surrounding their death. Search these records by name and regiment through our
research guide looking for records of a British
Army Officer after 1913. If you identify an officer's record that you would
like to see, you can come to
The First Victoria Cross of the First World War The first Victoria Cross (VC) of the conflict was awarded to Lieutenant Maurice James Dease of the Royal Fusiliers, killed in action at the Battle of Mons. To mark this, we have digitised a file of correspondence between his school and the War Office from 1926 and have made it available to download free of charge. This record gives a fascinating insight into how Dease was confirmed as the recipient of the first VC and the understandable pride of his school.
You may also be interested in exploring the Victoria Cross Registers 1856-1944 (WO 98) for details of more VC recipients. Visit this page for a free download of the register entry for Private Sidney Godley, Royal Fusiliers who was also awarded his VC at the Battle of Mons.*
Gloria: (022) 635 4161
Wayne: (09) 437 2881
Pat: (09) 437 0692
Thursday evening venue is
email me at, if you need directions. **NB new Thursday venue
Saturday meetings are held
in the SeniorNet rooms in
The rooms are upstairs in the
Research Resources at Archives NZ
These Archives New Zealand Research Guides and
Information Sheets contain summaries of commonly used records held at Archives
New Zealand. The guides provide brief details of records held, including
archives references, as well as advice about the information contained. Please
note that the Research Guides are not comprehensive and can only cover a small
proportion of Archives New Zealand's total holdings.
Citizenship This research guide describes
records relating to: Citizenship, Naturalisation, Aliens, Chinese
Personal Identity This research guide describes
records relating to: Births, Deaths and Marriages, Intentions to Marry,
Coroner's Inquests, Probates, Other Records.
War This research guide describes
records relating to: Nineteenth Century, First World War 1914-1918, Second
World War 1935-1945, Post Second World War, Air Force and Navy, Other Records.
Migration This research guide describes
records relating to: Shipping Records, Immigration 1840-1880s, Immigration
1880s-1970, Special Group/Nationality Migrations, Other Sources of Immigration
Information, Emigration.
Education This research guide describes
records relating to: Department of Education, Education Boards, Teachers, Universities.
Mental Health This research guide describes
records relating to: Institutional Records, Court Records, Health
Department Records
This research guide describes records relating to: General Lists/Public Service
Lists, Departmental Employment Records
Welfare This research guide describes
records relating to: Child Welfare, General and Adult Welfare.
Land -
Making a Living This research guide describes
records relating to: private employment, work, and financial status.
Photographs -
Police Gazettes This info sheet resource describes
the holdings of New Zealand Police Gazettes for all offices of Archives New
Zealand, and describes the type of information that can be found in them.
Deeds Indexes This info sheet resource describes
how to use the Deeds Indexes held in the LINZ Register Room at the
from ScotlandsPeople Release of further 1861
Census enumeration book, and updated index for all
census years!
A further 1861
Census enumeration book has been indexed and is now available to search on ScotlandsPeople! 15 pages for the
You can also
browse the entire new 1861 book using the advanced search function with the
advanced search query rdno:644 && rdsuffix:7 && enumdist:8.
For more information
on using the advanced search function, please follow this link.
We’ve also
updated over 44,000 indexes for all census years. So if you’ve had trouble locating
an ancestor in the census and believe their name may have been miss-recorded,
then you can try searching the new refreshed index.
feature for viewing multiple page documents We’ve also added a new
feature for viewing multi-page records (Wills & Testaments, Soldiers’
Wills, and Coats of Arms), to allow you to download all pages as a PDF
This great new tool means that larger documents, particularly the Wills & Testaments, which can be up to 40 pages, can be viewed, saved and printed as a single document. To download a multi-page document as a PDF, click the blue 'Download as PDF' button at the top right of the image viewer.
News from Findmypast
We're excited to announce the addition of millions of new
Victoria Passenger Lists 1839-1923 on Findmypast. You
can now track your ancestors travelling to and from ports around The Garden
State with a fascinating set of inward and outward passenger lists. Did your ancestors
arrive after an exciting voyage across the ocean? Covering nearly a century of
voyages, this fantastic collection will help you find your ancestors who
arrived into
Land Girl. (Review by Colleen Sherman-Williams) A manual for volunteers in the Women’s Land Army Well, what can I say! After reading this, I can just imagine how the public would react in this day and age. This book was written for women, some of whom had been to University and others well educated. They were spoken to like children. Talk about emotional blackmail: Quote; It is possible for a volunteer to resign for urgent private reasons for reasons of health. Volunteers however, must be reminded that money has been spent on them to make them specialists for a vital job so you should NEVER resign. You are feeding the nation; if you drop out SOMEONE MAY STARVE. When living on a farm, where a maid is kept, the volunteer must remember that she is also employed by the farmer, and not by herself. She should not therefore expect the maid to wait on her, nor should she give the maid extra work and extra bother. Town girls on the whole wear more makeup than ordinary girls, the Women’s Land Army Volunteer is expected to “tone down their lips” considerably. A certain amount of makeup may be used at parties and local village dances, but long nails are quite unsuited to work on a farm , especially when covered with bright crimson nail varnish., A volunteer will soon find that as the other girls from the village do not use makeup, she will prefer not to use it herself, so as not to look conspicuous. She will find too, that she will get such a healthy colour to her cheeks that rouging will not be necessary. I personally go dead white when I do physical work!!!!!! Some townspeople are apt to look upon all country folk as country bumpkins. They have an idea that it is only the townfolk who know anything, and because people in the country are not so slick, or well dressed, or perhaps up to the latest fashion. Actually country folk, usually know far more than those who are born and bred in towns and cities. They may not know all the names of the film stars but do know the names of the birds and their habits. They are able to tell if it is going to be fine or wet the next day. They know which herbs are useful and all the ways of wild animals. I could go on and on, but imagine farmers of today reading about their so-called knowledge Colleen
Authors: Michael Fitzgerald and Claire Regnault NZ RRP (incl. GST): $54.99 Extent: 200pp Format: Hardback Go to click on store for further details.
A surprise discovery unearthed the remarkable early 20th century photographs of Berry & Co., including around 130 showing ordinary World War One servicemen. Published alongside the TVNZ documentary, Berry Boys features the full collection of these powerful photographs, accompanied by the carefully researched stories of the soldiers and their loved ones, offering a poignant snapshot of New Zealanders facing the First World War – and the changing face of the war itself.
Do you own reference books at home and would be happy to do lookups for members? Or are you willing to visit cemeteries, archives, etc. for others? Simply click here and add a record into the “Information Offered” table: we’ll put a note in the next newsletter, and at any time FamNet users can look up this table and make contact with you.
Like “Useful Web Sites”, we believe that a combination newsletter/table approach is needed. The newsletter can give you an instant “aha” and if it happens to coincide with your need it’s perfect, but you also need the table so that you can look up the list later long after you’ve forgotten which newsletter mentioned the subject that you needed help with.
Remember that you can post photos for identification, and information wanted requests:-
Click here to request help with some information
We’ll post the photos and information requests in the next newsletter, and they’ll remain on display for at least a year.
There were no new photos at the time of sending the newsletter.
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