Uploading (Publishing) Documents

Choosing an Item Type. 1

Choosing a Format 2

Text Documents. 2

Publishing Mixed Text and Picture Documents as Web Pages. 3

Step 1. Create a Subfolder 4

Step 2. Write the document 4

Step 3. Test the Web Page. 5

Step 4. Create a Zip File. 5

Step 5. Upload the Zip File. 6

Web folders with more than one .htm file. 6

General Documents. 7

Index Entries. 7

Access Control 8


At several places in FamNet – Scrapbook editing, General Documents, Uploading a Family Tree, etc you have the opportunity to upload an object from your computer. Although this appears to be simple, you may have to make choices about the document class, and the format that you will use.

Choosing an Item Type

In some situations such as Uploading a Family Tree, and Uploading a Picture in the basic-editing page the item type is predetermined. In other situations however, such as uploading a general document or a scrapbook item you must choose it: for example, here a scrapbook item is being uploaded. When we expand the Item Type drop-down list there is a list of the valid types for this situation. Once we have chosen the item type the system will check that the item that we upload is suitable. For example, if we select “Picture” then the item must have format .jpg, .png, or .bmp., but it cannot be a word document (formats .doc, .docx), and so on. On the other hand, if we had selected “Miscellaneous” then .doc, .docx, and .rtf would have been permitted.

Choosing a Format

When you are uploading (publishing) a scrapbook item or general document you may have little choice about the file format.

And so on. Even if you do understand the differences between the various formats, you may not have software that you would need to change them. However many item types can accept documents in several different formats, and so you may have a choice. A Family History (which is the story of a family) and a Biography (the story of a person) can be uploaded as a Word Document (.doc, .docx, .rtf), a PDF document (.pdf), a text-only HTML page (.htm), or a full web page with graphics (.zip). If you have a choice then: -


General rule #1: “Smaller is better”. A video in .avi format can be 10 times the size of same video as .mp4: with .avi format you can only store a very brief video and remain under the 8MB size restriction, and the video will take a long time to load and play. Compare this 612KB .mp4 video of my granddaughter, with exactly the same video as a 5,845KB.avi


General rule #2: Formats that are displayed directly by the client’s browser without requiring a plug-in or particular client software are preferable to formats that require a plug-in. For example, compare the examples of .doc and .pdf with the examples of .txt and .htm. The results, and whether you require a plug-in, may differ depending on your browser and operating system.

Text Documents

Item types like Family Documents, Miscellaneous, Biography, and Narrative Family History may be text only, a mixture of text and pictures, or one or more pictures only.


In most situations FamNet will display a document within the document display page, which will display the document within a frame below the document’s title and notes. The examples below display documents in this format. In some cases – this depends on the combination of the file type, your browser and its options, and your operating system – the document will cause a separate browser window to open even though this is not requested by FamNet.


If the document is just text then you may store it as type .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pdf, or .htm. Htm is usually my preference as it is efficient and works well with all browsers, but all types have their advantages and disadvantages: -


How to produce it





Basic editors like Notepad, or Word using option “Save as Plain Text

· Smallest possible document size: there is no extra “overhead” with formatting etc.

· Can be read quickly by any browser, without requiring a plug-in.

· You can’t control font types, size, etc. The document looks horrible.



Microsoft Word and other full-function word processors.

· Default format: easiest output format from Word

· Font formats fully controllable

· Requires a plug-in for most browsers other than IE



Microsoft Word from Word 2007

· As for .doc

· As for .doc

· Some users may still be on older versions of Word and not be able to read this format



Microsoft Word etc, using Save As Rich Text Format

· As for .doc.

· As for .doc

· May be smaller than .doc (but check this – not always)

· More likely than .doc and .docx that the client will be able to read the document without a plug-in: .rtf is readable by most word processors.



Your word processor may provide this as a Save As option, or you might use special PDF software.

· Looks the same in any environment

· Requires a plug-in.

· May open in a separate browser tab



Microsoft Word with “Save As Web Page” or “Save as Web Page (Filtered)”

· Fast rendering

· No plug-in

· Flexible resizing (e.g. drag margins of browser while viewing the example)

· Graphics will be lost (see below)

· Layout, fonts, page flow differ to .doc format.



Compressed file. The .zip file will be expanded on the server

· Reduced upload times

· Allows you to upload complete web pages, with graphics

· Can be a way of uploading files (particularly GEDCOMs) which exceed FamNet’s limits

· Uploading in this format takes more work


Publishing Mixed Text and Picture Documents as Web Pages

If your document contains a mixture of text and pictures like this one then you can’t use .txt, but you can use .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf as you did before. However publishing as .htm becomes more difficult which is a shame as the web page format continues to be the best for users. As before you can create your document with Microsoft Word, save it using “Save as Web Page”, and then upload the .htm document to FamNet, but now when you display the document you’ll just see a space at the left where the picture should be.


Why is this? I created this example by editing the Word document and then “Save As Web Page(filtered)”. I was working in a folder “Family Docs”: if we look at the files in this folder we see that I saved a document “Mum.htm” and this is what I uploaded. But there is also a folder, “Mum_files”, and when we open this we see that it contains the image as “Image001.jpg. This was not uploaded, so that when we try to display Mum.htm from the server there is a reference to Mum_Files/Image0001.jpg, but the system can’t find it. Even if the server knew the full path to this file on my computer it wouldn’t be able to access it: we have to have a copy of the folder “Mum_files” on the computer. It is not enough to upload the file Image001.jpg as well as Mum.htm: the reference needs the folder name also. After all, there might be other documents that have their own “Image001.jpg”.


However we cannot upload a folder. Try it: try to select a folder in the upload dialog. You’ll see that when you select a folder the Explorer window remains open but now displays the contents of the folder. It will only select an actual file, such as a .txt, .doc, etc.


The solution is to store the full set of files as a Zip file, then upload this with type .zip. When FamNet uploads a .zip file it will check it for validity and, if OK, reconstruct the original structure of files and folders. The full process of creating a web document using Microsoft Word is illustrated below using as example a FamNet newsletter. These documents have three different kinds of links and sometimes complex editing so this illustrates most of the situations that you are likely to encounter in your own documents. You may have a specialist HTML editor such as Frontpage, Blend, Dreamweaver, etc: if so the details will differ but the general principles will remain the same.


Microsoft Word provides an option “Save as Single File Web Page” which would be ideal. Unfortunately this format is only supported by Internet Explorer, and other browsers won’t handle the .mht files, so FamNet hasn’t provided this as a valid file type.

Step 1. Create a Subfolder

Although you might omit this step for something as simple as Mum.htm, you will easily get confused if you have several htm documents with pictures and links, or if you are dealing with a complex document, so working in a special folder is a good habit even if not always necessary. Newsletters should be in a unique folder with a name like “June_2012”, i.e. a month and year separated by “_” (no blanks).

Step 2. Write the document

Start writing your document. From the beginning use “Save as Web Page(filtered)”. Microsoft Word behaves slightly differently when editing a web page: most obviously, the document is not divided into pages, and text flows across the window and will flow from line to line as we drag the window margin in or out. There are other differences too, but by working in the Web format we are less likely to encounter problems than if we work in .doc format and leave conversion to .htm until the end. If you started with a document in the default .doc or .docx format you should delete it, or at least ensure that it is tucked away somewhere where you will know that it is not the current version of the document. With several copies it is very easy to get confused and edit the wrong version (I speak from experience). You can always “Save as Word Document” if you want to go back to the default .doc format for a printed document.


Here’s an example: I have saved “TestNewsletter” as .htm within a folder that I created within My Documents\Temp.



Embedded Graphics

In a newsletter like this there are several pictures, with the text flowing around or alongside the pictures. We can put these pictures into our documents by Copy/paste, or by using one of the options from Word’s Insert/Picture menu. Once we have the picture more or less where we want it in the document we can edit it by dragging it around, by using “Format Picture” to control the way text flows around it, and we can resize it by dragging one of the sizing handles. If you want only part of the picture, or you want it to be much smaller than its default size, you should consider editing the picture rather than just cropping or sizing it: otherwise you may be transmitting a very large picture when a much smaller version such as a thumbnail would have done and would have made your page render much more quickly.


All of the pictures inserted by Copy/Paste will be found in the _Files folder, where you’ll see a series of object “Image001.gif”, “Image002.jpg” and so on. Images inserted by Insert/Picture may be in this file, or may remain as external references.

External Links – To Other Web Pages

Creating a link that, when clicked, opens another web page is easy. Just click the hyperlink icon and paste in the URL. For example, where I wrote “I’ve added a “Getting Started” document” the hyperlink address is //www.famnet.org.nz/Help/Famnet-In_Schools_Getting_Started.htm Note that it includes the full URL, starting with http:// and the domain name.

External Links – To Next-level Objects

In your page you may want to have links that open 2nd-level objects. For example, towards the bottom of the newsletter this appears: -

Technology – or Lack Thereof

Today we take it for granted if we need furniture polish or shaving cream we just pop down to the supermarket. Read how our ancestors managed without supermarkets and just how resourceful they were. Making their own cure for borer, making cream for chapped hands for men and the housewife, curing 160lb. pigs, and more.

The link Read how our ancestors managed without supermarkets and just how resourceful they were opens another document, but this didn’t already exist as a web page but in this case was going to be uploaded with the newsletter. For cases like this: -

· Put the object that you want to open into the subfolder that we created in step 1. This particular object is called “Handy_Hints.jpg”.

· Create a hyperlink to it. However, here we give JUST the object name, with NO PATH information. This means that when we click a link from the current page our browser will look for this object in the same folder as the object containing the link.

The next-level object may be a .jpg, .doc, etc – i.e. any of the object types that browsers recognize. It can even be a web page, with its own _Files folder of graphics objects, and/or have links to lower-level objects which are also in the folder created in step 1.

Internal Links

With larger documents you may want to provide links around the document itself. We have done this with the newsletter, using a table of contents to link to all headings, and in some places we write things like “For more details, see below” with a link to the appropriate heading. All this is very easy with the Hyperlink control.

Step 3. Test the Web Page

Open our .htm object by clicking on it: it will open with our browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, etc). Check that it all looks as it should, and that the links all work as they are supposed to. Re-edit (Step 2) and re-test until you’re satisfied.

Step 4. Create a Zip File

We have now created a folder containing all the objects that our web page wants. Turn this into a Zip file, either by compressing the folder (Mac OS X, Windows) or using a utility like WinZip. This will produce a file with extension .zip which you can save on your computer: you should save this with the same name, and in the same place, as the folder that you created in Step 2. Do not save it within this folder. For example, after creating a Zip file I ended up with: -

Step 5. Upload the Zip File

Upload the Zip file. Wherever you are allowed to upload a .htm file, you will be allowed to upload a .zip file. FamNet will upload the file, expand it into a temporary folder and check it. Checks include: -

· The files in the temporary folder must be types that can be uploaded as documents or pictures. FamNet will not allow you to upload dangerous types like .exe or scripts, only .htm, .jpg, and so on.

· As with uploading a normal object, set “replace” if you have already uploaded the object and wish to upload a fresh copy.

·         For Newsletters the folder name will be checked to ensure that it has the correct form.

Web folders with more than one .htm file

When you write a web page (=htm document) then of course it might contain “click here for more detail” links to lower-level documents, and you might have included all of these documents into the folder that you’ve zipped. Of course these documents might themselves be web pages. For example, here I’ve created a folder “MumPlusV2” with this structure: -

In this case the base document is Mum.htm, which includes a picture (which is in mum_files) and links in the text to the other two htm documents. Having developed these web pages locally I then zipped the folder and uploaded it, and FamNet unzipped it on the server. There is now a problem: if you click the link that you’re creating, which .htm page should open? We cannot assume that it will be the first. If there is more than one .htm file then a dialog will ask you which is to be linked to the database as the FamNet document or scrapbook link. For example: -

The drop down list will include all three .htm objects: -

The default is the first, which in this case is correct. We click [Upload] again and FamNet creates the correct database entries so that when we click “MumPlusV2.zip” it will open Mum.htm.

General Documents

When you upload general documents (from FamNet’s Documents section), the documents upload has some extra entries appearing below the “Item Type” line and the [Upload] button. There is a textbox for Index Entries, and a line where you can control who can have access to the document through FamNet: -

Index Entries

Here you can put words and phrases that somebody might look up. For example, a document with title

“The Essex” was given index entries like this: -

There are two index lines here (note the “;”), and so if we search for documents without specifying the title or index we’ll see the document appearing three times, once for its title and once for each index line: -

Users will normally put only one or two words in the title/index search textbox. If you have a whole series of individual words then you might prefer to put them into one or a few index entries, for example for example “Pioneer ships, New Plymouth 1843, Wakefield colonies, passenger list, emigration to New Zealand”, using commas rather than semicolons. A hit on any one of the words will show the whole list to the user helping him/her to decide if the document is one that they are interested in.

Access Control

Setting “Show in Index” and “Show Document” controls the permission level necessary to see a document through FamNet. Show in Index controls whether the document appears in searches such as that above, while Show Document controls whether it will open when you click it’s title. Options are: -


Lined to Individual: means that the access level is controlled by the linked GDB record. If you can see the GDB record, you’ll be able to see this document.

Private means that only the owner can see it,

Password protected means that a password is needed to open the document even if you can see the index entry.

Current FamNet Subscriber. Only visible to users who have a current subscription

Any Registered User: user must be registered in FamNet, but may not have paid a subscription

Visitors: visible even without logging into FamNet

Access Control and Web Page documents

Documents stored as ‘htm” (perhaps uploaded as .zip) will be visible to anybody with their URL. The access control setting above may mean that a user can’t open the document through FamNet, but if they have been given the URL, perhaps by Google or another search engine, or received it in an email, then clicking on the URL will open it. Currently access control is not enforced for htm documents.